DNPR News – War against Donbass: Ukraine sentenced to members of DNR-LNR


Russia will never join the "DNR-LNR", but will only strive to foment the level of hate in Ukraine and eliminate those who actually evaluate the situation.

That's what PUBLIC LAW, military expert and Alexei blogger said. Arrestovich.

According to the expert, the situation in Donbass is extremely surprising.

"Russian separatists have the guarantee:" You will never be part of Russia because you are Ukraine! The next question is: why are we fighting, if we live in a common apartment ?, says Arrestovich.-There is no need to quarrel with people with whom you are condemned to live in a single state. persuade the separatists: "You will always live with them, but you betray them!" And that it has not occurred to me that this is silly, the platoon commanders of the "LNR-DNR" are controlled by Russian officers. "

Arrestovich stressed that" that Russia has already eliminated all who have correctly assessed the situation.

"It's as if I would say: "Alex, come see me at an interview with this cafe, but I'll shoot you!" But you still come to have a nice interview for the New Year! "There was a kind of uprising of the Donbass with some of its ideals, all the idealists were affected and now in the Donbass, the Russian reaction" Mikoloperhovskaya "is always ahead, summed up the expert. [19659003] Full text of the interview read here: Ukraine hit Russia, the plan of the enemy was destroyed Aleksey Arestovich and here: "DNR-LNR" can expel Russians from Donbass in alliance with Ukrainian troops – Alex Arestovich

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