DNR News – DNR-LNR can expel Russians from Donbass in alliance with Ukrainian troops


On the cosmic perspectives of Ukraine, the importance of Tomos and the way in which supporters of the "DNR-LNR" can, with the Ukrainian army, expel the Russians from Donbass, in an interview with NATIONAL TRUTH by a military expert and blogger Alexey Arestovich.

Read the interview part here: The Ukraine hit Russia, the plan of the enemy is destroyed – Alex Arestovich

– World Events of 2018. What is more interesting?

– The first – the successful test of Ilona Mask, a big rocket that lands. It is a new stage in astronautics, which has long stagnated or existed in commercial terms. I was very upset when a man's thought was violated and I started to get angry.

– Under the late Kuchma, Ukraine has achieved 13.5% of missile launches in the world. But we were still a cosmopolitan state.

– We are going to build our cosmodrome. In Ukraine, it is written that it is a cosmic state.

Thus, Mask. This event marked the return of long distance flights. However, in the solar system, there are more planets inhabited by robots than planets inhabited by people. People are inhabited alone and at least two robots – Mars and Venus. Once we have heard the sounds of Venus, we now hear the sounds of Mars for the first time. The Chinese launched the station on the back of the Moon, the new aircraft sat on Mars and was buried, the satellites traveling to Jupiter. It means that we have again begun to penetrate into other worlds and that others have begun to penetrate us. According to the principle of Nietzsche: you start looking in the abyss and an abyss will turn to you! Humanity needs to look into the abyss of space, because the earthly senses exhaust us very quickly. Only space can show us the abyss that will call the same abyss in us. Humanity will have new ideas. Without space, we find ourselves. Resources, fossils are bullshit. The senses are in the space.

– And while the whole Earth listened to the sound of the Martian winds, Poroshenko came to the Little Academy of Sciences and told the children about his successes in the church, about the tomos, about how to meet the patriarch himself!

"It does not interfere with the other." It is impossible to progress without closing the old gestalt. I remember very well the prophecies of the world, from Danylo Andreev to Roerich's studies, that the awakening of humanity will begin with Russia. That's Rus, our Rus-Ukraine, is not an ugly monster that took the form of the Russian empire, which tried to crush the Ukrainians. There is a first Rus-Ukraine and an ulus of the Golden Horde called Russian Empire

When the Maidan began, I realized that the resources allocated were not too delicate for overthrow Yanukovych, but that millennial gestalt of Kievan Rus had begun to emerge. That he climbed like Atlantis. And it is the return of the original Russia, one thousand five hundred years old, whose first roots are linked to the future in space. The squads of our cosmodrome will, like Prince Svyatoslav, carry "herrings" and Cossack tattoos. The unit will be called "Characterist" or "Mama" or "Sirko".

– So what does Poroshenko do with this tomosus?

– It links two nodes. The thread, torn from the future, the thread of the past does a lot. Not only him, we are together. A good Chinese proverb says: "A hunter who boasts at the feet of a dead lion is a real contempt, and the hunter who boasts at the feet of a wounded lion is worthy of respect." If you really won the lion you can brag, you can already. But we were raised in the Soviet school: "I am the last letter of the alphabet!" And the Chinese sages believe – if you do, boast as you wish! Because this agreement is a rarity in our world. Rejoice and infect others with your example!

Another important event: North Korea and South Korea came together. The division of nations is one of the last wounds of the cold war. And for us, the experience of integrating so different systems is very important and, although it is for 70 years, she will meet. This will be the first natural peaceful climbing experience of absolute antagonists. Germany was not the same for Germany.

The best way to integrate is to formally leave the South Korean government and leave Kim Jong-il's head. It would be a unique experience.

– And Peter I was to transfer the capital to Kiev, rather than build a new one in extreme weather conditions. Everything would have been different …

– Absolute idea! The fact is that the Russian empire and the word "Russia" were invented by the Ukrainian Theophane Prokopovich. "Russia" is translated by the Greek "Rus". Prokopovich persuaded Peter to become emperor. It was necessary to live in three capitals: to make Peter the capital of culture, Moscow of administrative management and Kiev of religion, there would then be a real group of three people, which Prokopovich also spoke about.

Patriarch Kirill and the patriarchs had to do one simple thing – Christmas is celebrated in Moscow and Easter in Kiev. But there was not enough brains – count the cripples.

– So, let's solve the problem of "DNR" and "NRL", once in the world of so beautiful trends!

– Frankly, the situation is amazing. Russian separatists have the guarantee: "You will never be part of Russia because you are Ukraine!" The next question is, why are we fighting? If we live in a community apartment?

No need to quarrel with people with whom you are condemned to live in one state. And the Russian separatists convinced: "You will always live with them, but you betray them!" And for that it did not happen that this idiot, the platoon commanders of the "LNR-DNR" controlled by Russian officers. And all the smart people shot.

It's like you're telling me, "Alex, come see me in an interview with this cafe, but I'll shoot you!" But you still have a good interview for the New Year! "

There was a kind of uprising of the Donbass with some of its ideals, all the idealists were shot down and the Russian" Mikoloperhovskaya "reaction is still active in the Donbass

– The people of Lugansk are still present in lead tones.

– I do not know how long this insane situation will last, with which they are forced to live together! People should understand that they should always be with those with whom to live further Not with those who make them shoot those with whom the future is.And then the Chechen option is possible – the Ukrainian armed forces are united with the "armies" of the NRL-DPR and have expelled the Russians

Read also: Putin advertises Poroshenko, all began after an event – Alex Arestovich

– And peaceful decisions with a moratorium on certain actions? For example, the U kraine said – we will not join NATO before ten years and you …

– We will not negotiate with the Russians. The Russians do not think so finely. We must understand Putin. For him, guarantees of non-accession of Ukraine to NATO are only an intermediate step. Putin will deceive any pro-Russian leader, just as he deceived Yanukovych.

Putin deceived Yanukovych, the most loyal person who turned Ukraine into a Russian colony. All pro-Russian leaders do not understand one thing: they will be deceived by the Russians first. As the khans of the Horde are engaged at one point with the princes of Russia.

Any interim peace treaty with Russia will end with the stage of absorption.

– This was recently the International Day of Diplomacy. Who is the most competent mediator in Ukraine?

– Diplomat is not a mediator. This should be emphasized. A diplomat is a man who wars, only by non-military means. Diplomacy is a civilized way of imposing one's world order. But since the 21st century, the war is mainly conducted by non-military means, diplomacy is the number one weapon of the state.

Look at how good Ukrainian diplomats play. Honor and praise to our Klimkin! I trust him, Poroshenko is himself a former head of the Foreign Ministry and a very good diplomat. 8 points out of 10.

The Hague trial considers the seizure of the Crimea as an interstate aggression of Russia against Ukraine – a victory for diplomacy.

Tomos is a diplomacy. I am afraid to imagine what pressure I have exerted on Bartholomew and his entourage.

– And so fast, everything has happened! Russia – the largest Orthodox state, everyone was convinced that something is wrong here. Probably Russia is holding Constantinople and nothing in the end with a bull will work. What's that little roar?

– The Russians have missed it. They hoped to solve it directly with the patriarch – it did not work. This is a striking example of a diplomatic victory.

That's what you do not take, our diplomacy is winning. Hungary is a country of NATO and the EU. But NATO and the EU are fighting with a hat for misconceptions about Ukraine, and not the other way around. There are hardly any sanctions against Hungary.

– And with Poland?

– Poles are interesting processes. They are right to power in the context of a successful fiscal policy, a huge budget, playing their games. But the Polish authorities regularly proclaim that, despite all the problems of historical memory, Ukraine is our ally. And many Ukrainians work in Poland, legislation is constantly liberalized. Polish television sets up a series of information on Ukrainian women. And they are not fools, but honest women with interesting fates.

And a fine example of the victory of our diplomacy: the UN General Assembly, a resolution condemning Russia for the militarization of the Black Sea and the sea of ​​Azov. The highest authority does not exist in the world. 66 votes for us, 19 for Russia

Talk to Yaroslav Grebenyuk

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