DNR News – Hackers declassified what the leader of the DPR wrote to Gray Cardinal Putin


The Distributed Denial of Secrets project (DDoSecrets) has published documents obtained as a result of a breakthrough in the field of computer hacking, which would contain a correspondence between the alleged DNR leader Denis Puschilin and the Kremlin conservatives .

According to the "public" report, the popular truth is true

The journalist Emma Best, of the team responsible for the revelation of the storms, said in a commentary of this publication that a new information leak would confirm certain assumptions and virtually testify to the Russian aggression against Ukraine

Published correspondence would consist of letters from the leader of the "DNR" self-proclaimed "DNR", Denis Pushilin, addressed to the administration of Vladimir Putin with a request for humanitarian assistance, as well as to the DRC Patriarch, Kirill, with a request for meeting to discuss

Yes, investigators say that Denis Pushylik, who headed the "RDP" after the liquidation of Alexander Zakharchenko, had repeatedly sent Vladislav Surkov letters in which he reported on the activities of the republic and gave his opinion on the election of individuals. "Government" of "DNR".

Recall that the network was recently informed of the "tuple" of the terrorist leader of the "Dnieper" Denis Pushylyn. The new chief obviously fears to repeat the fate of his predecessor, as he accompanies four cars flashing.

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