Donald Trump Leads Closure According to New CNN Survey


Negotiations between the president and congressional leaders got bogged down, with neither side seeming willing to forgo funding a wall along the border with Mexico. This proposal remains deeply unpopular with the public, according to the survey. In total, 56% are against a wall, 39% are in favor. It's almost exactly the same as in December. And less than half consider the situation at the border as a crisis (45% say it's a crisis and 52% that's not the case).

Among those who see the situation as a crisis, most believe that a wall boundary would help improve things. The subset of those who think this however represents only 31% of American adults.

All these results are clearly divided into groups. Nearly 9 in 10 Democrats oppose a wall along the border, while 8 out of 10 Republicans support it. Seven out of ten Republicans say the border situation is a crisis and two-thirds believe that a wall would fix it, while nearly three-quarters of Democrats say it's not enough. There is no crisis and only 4% think there would be one. help improve.

  77 (and counting) the very real direct effects of the partial closure of the government

Overall, the rate of approval of the president in the poll is 37% approve to 57% disapprove. Disapproval has increased five points since December, while his approval number has remained about the same. Trump's current approval rate corresponds to that of Ronald Reagan at this stage of his presidency. In January 1983, Reagan was the only time his approval rate had fallen below 40 percent, according to Gallup. Trump has bottomed in CNN polls twice – in December 2017 and February 2018 – and has been 40% or more than nine times out of the 20 that CNN polled.

The increase The disapproval of the president mainly concerns whites without a university degree. 45% of them approve and 47% disapprove. This is the first time his approval rate from this group has been underwater in the CNN poll since February 2018. In December, his ranking White did not get four-year degree accounted for 54%, with 39% disapproval. Among Whites with a university degree, Trump's ratings have remained virtually unchanged over the last month and remain strongly negative – 64% disapprove and 32% approve. record of the longest closing government in the history of the United States "class =" media_image "src =" capitol-building-padlocked-large-169.jpg "/>

Whites who do not have a university degree remain in favor of a wall along the Mexican border (51% are in favor, 46% disagree), but they tend to blame the president for closing the government (45% say he is more responsible for it, 39% of Democrats in Congress).

The general public is more likely to blame the president, with 55% saying he is more responsible for the closure than the Democrats in Congress, while 32% say the responsibility lies primarily with the Democrats. say the two are responsible.The Democrats are more unified in their blame towards the President (89% of Trump's blame) than are the Republican citizens who blame the Democrats (65% of Republicans blame Democrats in Congress, 23% blame Trump). Self-employed people are more likely to blame Trump (48% to 34%) and are more likely to say that both sides are responsible (14%).

The CNN survey was conducted by SSRS from January 10 to 11 among a random national sample of A live interviewer contacted 848 adults on landlines or mobile phones. The results for the full sample have a sampling error margin of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points, it is greater for the subgroups.

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