Dzidzia showed a photo without a beard


A soloist of the popular Ukrainian band DZIDZIO and actor Michael Homa (Dzidzio), beaten in Kiev on December 28, showed a beardless picture. "class =" alignnone wp-image-226177 size-full "src =" "width =" 870 "height = "584" srcset = " 870w, /01/Dzydzo-1-207×138.png 207w,×201.png 300w, /wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Dzydzo-1-768×516.png 768w,×322.png 480w, https : //×500.png 745w "sizes =" (max-width: 870px) 100vw, 870px "/>

" C & # 39; is me without a beard ", the artist has signed a photo on which he is a little boy.

" The myth that Dzidzo was born right away with a beard "," Dzidzio, but in the movies and in your clips said you were born with a beard "," It's just that Dzidzio is so strict that it shrinks with a little ax "- Jokes Hommi fans.

  Jizzio showed a photo without a beard

The network also reported that in Dzidzio's childhood was very kind.

Remember earlier, the police had reported that the artist had been beaten by foreigners also violating the law. .

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