Elizabeth Warren finally explained why she had passed a DNA test


Here is the exchange between Warren and a stakeholder (congratulations to MJ Lee and Amanda Golden for that – and the bold font below is mine): [19659002] QUESTIONER: "Why did you pass the DNA tests and give Donald Trump more food to become a bully?"

WARREN: "Yeah, well, you know, glad you asked that question, I I am really so and I am glad we have the opportunity I am not a person of color, I am not a citizen of a tribe Tribal citizenship is very different from ancestry. The tribes, and only the tribes, determine tribal citizenship, and I respect that difference.I grew up in Oklahoma, and like many men in Oklahoma, we heard the family stories of our ancestors. When I first ran for public office, the first time went back to 2012, and the repeats ublicans were interested in this part of my story I could get a lot of hay, a lot of racist talk and a lot of ugly things going on. And so I decided it was myself. I'm just going to put it all out. It took a long time, but just put everything in place. All my hiring records, including a DNA test, it is available online, anyone can review it. It's there. "

Many people – myself very well understood – wondered exactly why Warren did what she did when she did it.

An Announcement That You probably, perhaps, Native Americans To refute the attacks of President Donald Trump, whom you sought to advance by citing this legacy? (Note: There is no indication that Warren has taken a length of time in the academic world by describing himself as Native American.) And doing it at the heart of the 2018 campaign, as Democrats were trying to regain control of the House and Senate?

The "why" seems to be what most people suspected: Warren released the DNA test – and a subsequent five-minute video explaining the situation – before running for president (Warren probably believed – and it's hard to say that she had to rt) that his announcement would have no effect on the Democrats' fight for the congressional majorities. .) Warren wanted to deal with the entire US N, and repeated calls from Trump (he nicknamed her "Pocahontas" in the tweets) – before announcing his candidacy for the presidency, which she did on the eve of New An.

Obviously, it did not work. Instead of putting aside any doubt as to whether Warren's past fumbled over the heritage issue could be a fatal flaw that Trump could exploit and exploit, Warren's entire video shed light on the problem.

The announcement of Warren was, effectively, tell this to the Democratic voters: REMEMBER WHEN I HAD THIS PUBLICATION IN 2012 WITH IF I WAS AN INDIGENOUS ABORIGINAL ??????

While Trump would never stop attacking Warren based on some test DNA says, the fact that the test was so inconclusive should have been a harbinger that he was never going to have the impact that we could put everything on this debate behind us for which she was clearly hoping. When the whole video and revelation stick to that phrase of a Stanford geneticist – "the facts suggest that you absolutely have a Native American ancestor in your family tree" – you know you will not get the expected result .

This is not Trump. Not really. As Warren said in his same answer in Iowa this weekend, "I can not stop Donald Trump from doing what he's going to do. I can not stop him from launching racial slurs. I have no power to do that. "True!

In reality, Warren was trying to solve a problem within the base of Democratic activists and donors.There is a 0% chance that she will do the test that she has done on her DNA test, unless she knows that some members of her party are worried about what Trump could do to her in the general election if she becomes the Democratic candidate.

We have at least an explanation of why she did what she did from her own mouth.The decision was so strange.And even with Warren's explanation, it's just as weird now.

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