Epiphanes spoke of the agenda of the first Synode CPU after the enthronement


At the first meeting of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to be held immediately after the enthronement of its leader, legal issues will be examined, especially the coordination and l & # 39; 39, approval of the governing bodies. That's what the chief of the CPU, Metropolitan Epiphanius, said during the Radio Free Broadcasting broadcast.

"After the unification of the cathedral on December 15, we had a preparatory period to receive the tomosum, pending the completion of the canonical procedure.And then we will gradually form the relevant governing bodies We are currently dealing with legal issues.To have legal personality, you must create a governing body.The church is not a legal entity in general, but the governing body is the Metropolitan of Kiev , which was eventually registered by the state, "said Epiphane.

As noted by Epiphanes, this process is long term, as it is the first time in the history of Ukraine.

"Until now, such precedents were not part of the history of Ukraine." Do we know what? Only the new structures have been shared and recorded. is such a good precedent that brings together such great structures: the UOC-KP, the UAOC, part of the bishops of the Moscow Patriarchate, and we are creating a new church body, which is already the only church local Orthodox, so we need a certain legal status, "- said the head of the UCP.

The enthronement of the leader of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphany will take place on February 3.

On December 15, 2018, at the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, a United Cathedral was celebrated. the hierarchs, priests and laity of the three organizations of the Orthodox Church existing in Ukraine at the time created a single canonical Orthodox Church Organization in Ukraine, the local Orthodox Church d & rsquo; Ukraine (PCU). Metropolitan Epiphanius of the former UOC-KP was elected to his predecessor

On January 6, in the Ecumenical Patriarchate's residence in Fanari, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presented to the head of the Orthodox Church newly established local of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanius Tomos, on the recognition of the canonical principle. On January 7th, Tomos was solemnly presented at the Christmas service at the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.


Pro Filaret on the Cathedral, Epiphany Rivals and KGB Blackmail [1945900]]

Serving Stalin and of Putin. In Russia, before the war against Ukraine on the front of the church, joined some liberals

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