Escape from President Trump's programs a "shameful breach of trust": the White House


A further three-month leak in President Donald Trump's daily agendas angered the White House's key collaborators and allies, echoing the early days of Trump's presidency, in which leaks appeared to be sweeping the agenda. Almost daily basis.

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Axios reported Sunday the series of schedules were provided by "a source from the White House", which revealed, according to their analysis, that the president spends "about 60% of his expected time in the last 3 months in an unstructured "Executive Time".

The internal calendars provided much more information about the daily activities of the president compared to the "Daily Press Guidance" provided to the public.

The White House did not dispute the authenticity of the diaries, but rather set its sights on the public destruction of the leak's perpetrator.

"What a scandal of breach of trust in the face of hourly leaks," West Westhout, director of operations of the Oval Office, Madeleine Westerhout, wrote Sunday. "What this does not show are the hundreds of calls and meetings that [President Trump] takes every day.This [president] works harder for the American people than anyone else in recent history. "

In a statement to Axios, press secretary of the White House, Sarah Sanders, said the schedules indicated that "President Trump has a different leadership style than his predecessors and the results speak for themselves."

Sanders declined to comment further on the story and whether the White House was considering conducting an internal investigation similar to previous major leaks.

Several Conservatives and allies of the President expressed similar concerns about the leak and also defended the President against accusations that the unstructured time of his schedule showed that he was not not productive.

The nickname "Executive Time" took on significance over a year ago as a result of a similar leak of internal schedules, which indicated that the blocks time spent by the president out of the oval office were often aligned with his habit of switching to cable news and tweeting comments or grievances.

"Disgusting that someone divulges this," tweeted Marc Thiessen, an AEI scholar and former speechwriter of President George W. Bush. "A dreadful breach of trust."

"The distortions of the Trump hate movement are never more evident than in the reaction to the timetable announced by the president," said Trump's ally, Newt Gingrich.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt went so far as to suggest that the leak could be dangerous for national security.

The controversy echoed major leaks that had swept the White House, including included the publication of the transcription of the transcript of the president's call with the leaders of Mexico and Australia in 2017 and the details of the president's private conversation with the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs and ambassador to oval office following the dismissal of FBI director James Comey.

Such episodes fueled the belief of the president and many supporters of the existence of a broader "deep state" anchored in his presidency and aimed at undermining or embarrassing him in order to to thwart his program.

In the past, the White House has repeatedly stated that it is attempting to dismantle such officials through internal investigations, including the author of an anonymous editorial published in the New York Times by a manager who had identified himself as a member of the "Resistance within the Trump administration."

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