Eurovision-2019: Sergey Lazarev will represent Russia in the competition


  Sergey Lazarev will be represented at the competition by the Russian participant in the Eurovision Song Contest in Russia
. Photo:

Sergey Lazarev will represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest-2019

He has already spoken at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2016. Then he took third place. The victory was won by the Ukrainian singer Jamal with the composition "1944".

Read also: Best of Eurovision presents a song contest

The contest will run from May 14 to 18 in Tel Aviv. Israel has the right to withhold it after the victory of the singer Neti Barzillay in 2018.

The Israeli agency Leaan, which sells tickets, announced the cost of tickets for the & 90 Bar 39 39 39. Eurovision-2019. The seat prices will be from 35 to 150 euros. The places in the fan zone will cost 120 € to the viewers. Premium class seats are € 2999.

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