Fabry Gonzalez: No need to expect dramatic changes in the tactics of the Carpathians


Carpathian head coach Fabrício González spoke about the first winter camp in the Carpathians.

"From an organizational point of view, there did not seem to be any problems at the January rally in Turkey.We enjoyed excellent living conditions, worthy of this man." partners, a qualitative area for courses. Unfortunately, the hospital hosts did not agree, as they say, with the celestial office and because of heavy rains, we could not follow 4-5 practices on the lawn. Of course, this failure overshadowed our stay. I am in Antalya

The Carpathians went to the second rally without Fedetskogo and Miroshnichenko

I did not have to complain about the footballers, we laid the foundations and I was very happy with the attitude veterans and young people in the performance of their duties. I do not mind training or checking games

Of course, every coach has his favorite game model, but I'm no exception, but there's a lot of that, it depends not only of my desire, but also of the choice of the artists, if they are ready for this system. Therefore, in the Carpathians, no radical change in tactics should be expected. As the process of adapting coaches and players is in place, can they put into practice the ones that did not work before? And it takes time to take advantage of this mutual understanding.

Positions naked and trainer-perekotipole: how to save the residence in the Urals Carpathians

We are still only in the middle of the way. The work is done at the speed of forty, but ahead of another stage, the most important stage of preparation. It will be more specific, pragmatic, without experiences. In the near future, we will play the composition that will be used in the Premier League and in the draw of the Ukraine Cup. I hope we will meet the new tests in complete armament ", – quotes Gonzales team 1.

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