Famous actress has come to the "Golden Globe" in Ukrainian costume (PHOTOS)


At the Golden Globe ceremony, the American comedian Megan Mallalli came to present the award in a dress of a Ukrainian designer

. This report was reported by Depo.ua with reference to Vogue

. Raniya and the singer Rihanna, however, do not meet very often in the red corridors of the highest level. Golden Globe – The 2019 awards ceremony put an end to the situation – the dark blue dress of the Ukrainian brand Navro was chosen by the famous American comedian Megan Mallalli. She went to reward the winner in the category "The best female role in the drama series."

Mallalli did not ask the help of stylists and chose the picture herself, ordering an online dress on the site of the big fashion retailer. The engraving of the author, invented by Olga Navrotska

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