"Fat Ronaldo is now in better shape than Seleznyov": Malaga supporters hug an unpleasantly surprised Ukrainian


The Ukrainian striker does not justify the expectations of the Spanish fans

Yevgeny Seleznev was supposed to be the new "killer" of Malaga. Supporters of the Andalusian club have been waiting for the transfer of the Ukrainian winter as an open manna, hoping that it would score many goals and help it return to the elite division. The former man at his first press conference in Spain also clearly defined his main objective: "I want to play Priimera". Since that time, almost a month has passed and Eugene has not demonstrated even 10% of his potential.

"Zinchenko trusted Guardioli" – a high ranking of a Ukrainian for the match against Chelsea, who became the best for him in the submarine

"Selezne arrived in a new place , with a new system of work, new requirements, new colleagues.Yevgen is currently misunderstood by the language.It is normal, he still has a lot of work to do.He hopes he will have his best form when the team will need it the most, "said after Shooting Las Palmas the head of" Anchovy "X yuan Ramon Muñiz.In the match against the islands, the Ukrainian striker has only played ten minutes, replacing Gustav Blanco Leschuk

The length of the play time explains Seleznev's main problem – a weak physical form.Although Munis has talked a lot about the nuances of adaptation, Eugene, it seems, n & # 39; 39 is currently not ready to function at a high level while in the ego Half after the autumn stagnation in Akhisar, when a Ukrainian was at the epicenter of the conflict with the head coach, it was very difficult for him to find the necessary pace. The striker of the Ukrainian national team not only has difficulties in playing on the field, but also displays a very low percentage of martial arts won, although before he had no particular problem. In a match against Las Palmas, our striker can only award one in four duels to the assets

Seleznyov's statistics during a match against Las Palmas after being replaced

Objectivity Ukrainians at the door of the adversary also leave much to be desired. A footballer called upon to help the team break such an important victory is simply not allowed to leave the field without a hard blow. Of course, Eugene can complain about the lack of time, but in Spain, something similar happens to him does not happen for the first time. Until now, Seleznev has participated in four games "Anchovy" in Segundi, and his statistics are a little alarming:

Malaga – Lugo: 23 minutes, 0 shots

Tenerife – Malaga: 9 minutes, 0 times

Malaga – Almeria: 16 minutes, a passage in front of the door.

It turns out that for 60 minutes in the Malaga jersey, Seleznyov only managed to get a shot on goal. rival Not so much for the striker who sniffed the powder of the European Cups and scored the Turkish grandmothers. If Munis is ready to wait for the Ukrainian to return to his optimal state, Malaza fans will slowly break their patience and they can be understood. Seleznev and Blanco Leschuk are abandoned on a football pitch – the "anchovies" are rivals lost for the title. Three consecutive draws propelled the Andalusians to fourth place in the tournament. The recent leader of Segundi now gives way to the spectacular Roman cousin albacete with three points.

After a draw against a depressed Las Palmas, who do not win three consecutive games, Malaga fans criticize Seleznev for his rather weak physical form. The sports director of the Andalusian club Jose Luis Pérez Caminero, which seemed to be a failed campaign, was particularly impressive.

"The physical condition of Selezneva seems to be miserable.The chimney was signed by a guy suffering from overweight."

"Seleznev is a traveling joke and I hope that he has signed a series of mandatory matches with penalties or other articles of the contract, otherwise" Munis has lost the reason. "

"I would not stop seeing Seleznev as a star, when he goes on the pitch, he does not do anything, it seems like it's hard for him to move."

"I still do not understand why Seleznev should participate in every game to crawl on the pitch."

"Selezev did the work of his mascot well, he continues, entertaining people, running, fighting, but do not ask him any more." Muniz is on his way. "

"Fat Ronaldo is now in better shape than Seleznyov."

"In fact, Seleznev does not help."

"Seleznev continues to play a few minutes with garbage."

"Seleznov can not play, the team is absolutely apathetic."

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