Federal prosecutors assign Trump's inauguration committee, source says


CNN's wide subpoena in the Southern District of New York shows a demand for documents relating to donors and the benefits offered in return. It requests donations made by and on behalf of foreign nationals, as well as communications relating to the possibility of donations from foreign nationals.

The subpoena also seeks to obtain memos and information regarding restrictions on donations "including prohibitions on donations of foreign nationals or donations by a third party".

Federal prosecutors also want information on donations made directly to

The subpoena, reported for the first time by ABC News, suggests that beyond the special advocate Robert Mueller , people related to President Donald Trump are subject to ongoing surveillance, although nothing indicates that the case directly concerns Trump.

A spokesman for the US Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York declined to comment.

Tom Barrack, chair of the inaugural committee, also declined to comment.

The inquiry into the committee – which was first reported by the Wall Street Journal in December – implied possible financial abuse related to donations of more than $ 100 million raised for the inauguration of Trump, sources

A source close to the case told CNN in December that the investigation was in its infancy and that investigators were generally looking to find out whether any groundbreaking funds had been raised. been poorly spent.

Citing conversations with people familiar with the investigation, the newspaper reported that prosecutors were also investigating whether the committee would accept donations from people seeking to influence or gain access to the new administration. this.

The New York Times also reported in December that the federal government prosecutors were investigating whether foreign nationals had channeled potentially illegal donations into both the inaugural fund and ump super PAC in its efforts to buy "an influence. on American politics ".

The newspaper, citing people familiar with the investigation, said it was focused on nationals of Middle Eastern countries – including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. United Arab Emirates – and on the fact of knowing they "were using straw donors to conceal their donations to both countries".

Kara Scannell and Devan Cole of CNN contributed to this report.

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