First CNN: Kellyanne Conway says she was attacked in a restaurant in October


In an interview with CNN, President Donald Trump's advisor to the White House spoke of the alleged assault for the first time in public. She recounted how this woman, who was later identified by authorities as a 63-year-old Maryland resident, had apprehended her "screaming her head" at Uncle Julio, a Mexican restaurant located in the suburb of Bethesda, in downtown Conway.

"Someone grabbed me from behind, grabbed me by the arms and shook me to the point of making me feel that someone was hugging me," said Conway in an interview for a neighbor Article from CNN series, "Washington Badass Women."

"She was out of control, I do not even know how to explain it to her." She was fair, her face was filled with terror and anger She was right here, and my daughter was there too, she had to pay for it, "she said.

Conway said that she had called 911, although the woman had left before the arrival of the local police. After an investigation, Mary Elizabeth Inabinett was charged in November with second-degree assault and disorderly behavior. A lawsuit is scheduled for March in the state court of Maryland.

Inabinett's lawyer, William Alden McDaniel Jr., challenged Conway's story and the charges of assault, claiming that his client would plead not guilty in court next month.

"Ms. Inabinett saw Kellyanne Conway, a public figure, in a public place, exercising her First Amendment right to express her personal opinions, and she did not assault Ms. Conway. at trial will show that this is true and that Ms. Conway's story is false, "said McDaniel. in a report.

The alleged assault, which appeared in the indictment documents obtained by CNN, took place shortly after the very polarized confirmation hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who was eventually approved by the Senate to sit on the Supreme Court despite the testimony. from a woman, Christine Blasey Ford, who said she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh while they were in high school. It is unclear whether the acts alleged against Inabinett were related to the Kavanaugh investiture struggle.

According to the account contained in the indictment, Conway reportedly told the police that the tremors lasted for a few seconds, "but the suspect continued to shout and make her gestures for about 8 hours, 10 minutes before she was escorted from the restaurant. "

" The suspect was shouting "shame on you" and other comments on Conway's political views, "wrote a Police corporal in a charge document based on an interview from The restaurant manager informed police that police officers Conway and Inabinett had been separated during his first contact with the incident.

Conway's daughter was able to take a short video of the meeting, which the police then compared to a photo of Inabinett. after the state vehicle registrations after getting his name on a restaurant receipt.

It is unclear whether the video shows any physical contact between Conway and Inabinett, Maryland. State law does not require an accusation of aggression.

Conway also positively identified Inabinett during a visit to the Bethesda Police Station in November, according to the paper.

Conway recounted that she had spoken to the president of the incident "long after" what had happened.

"What he always says," Are you okay? Are you OK? Is your daughter doing well? Are the other girls doing well? "Conway explained that the president had told him.

Conway, one of the main substitutes for Trump's television, said that this episode was only the latest example of harassment of members of the Trump administration because of their work for President.

In June, Sarah Sanders, White House press secretary, was chased out of a restaurant in Virginia by her owner. A few days earlier, protesters had booed and shouted against Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she was dining at a Mexican restaurant in Washington. These incidents follow newspaper days on the Trump Administration's immigration policy that resulted in family separations on the southern border of the United States.

"The idea that we should be treated differently because of everything, everything, our workplace we believe or what we try to do on behalf of this great nation, is completely absurd "said Conway.

After the Sanders incident, Trump insulted the Virginia restaurant, claiming that it was "dirty on the outside" and "dirty on the inside".

In a New Year tweet, Trump said that 2019 would be a fantastic year for those who do not suffer from Trump Syndrome Derangement, "add up," calm down and enjoy the walk, great things are happening to our country. "

Trump routinely demonizes opponents and the press, which, according to his critics, led to incidents of harassment and violence.

After a multi-day manhunt. Last year, the authorities arrested a Florida man accused of sending trapped packets to Democratic, CNN and Trump critics, an act the Department of Justice described as domestic terror.

Conway, in his own language, potentially fueling acts of harassment on the part of the right, Conway defended his boss and alluded to the concentration on words spoken at the White House, "said Conway.

What is needed is that it is a physiological obstacle for the world. "

" What is needed is that people understand … in front of everyone, but especially the girls of 13 and 14 years, of which you have need to control your self-control, control yourself and control yourself. believe – that this man will be re-elected, "she said." I do not want it to become a thing. I just want it to be a good time for everyone to learn that all of this has consequences. "

CNN's Bridget Nolan contributed to this report.

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