"Flabby Press": Ani Lorak boasted of a salfi from the gym


  Photo: Ani Lorak (anilorak.ua)

Photography: Ani Lorak (anilorak.ua)

Ani Lorak showed a slender figure

Opposing the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak (Caroline Kuyok) activity in Russia , impressed the fans with a shot of the workout in the gym. The star of the corresponding photo has posted on his page in the social network Instagram.

Lorak decided to do sephi in the gym context. In the photo, the singer showed her tense sports figure.

Photo: Ani Lorak (instagram.com/anilorak) [196659005] Caroline bragged with an inflated press

"I understood."

1. Celphy

2. Photosession "with a humorous signature of a star.

A screenshot of the post (instagram.com/anilorak)

Social network users were enthusiastic about the idea of ​​such a photo and the within the silhouette of the beloved singer

"Elegant silhouette! you must take an example to all!"; Beautiful figure ";" I really like how you sing and you are always very beautiful, "" Beauty ", – writer admirers Ani Lorak.

A screenshot of the comments (instagram.com/anilorak) [196659005] "I went to do exercise, I saw your photo and I'm not sure. I cried, I want the same silhouette, but up to here only a tired body; What is beautiful ";" You are such a sport ";" Such a loose press "- they write on the net.

Screenshot of comments screen (instagram.com/anilorak) [196659005] Previously, it was reported that Ani Lorak, after a grandiose Diva show, which cost several million dollars, was bogged down in the debt. The director of the interpreter, Mykhailo Uspensky, commented on the information that the star would be on the brink of bankruptcy.

Diva Ani Lorak


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