For the first time since the war: France recalls its ambassador in Italy


  For the first time since the war: France recalls its ambassador in Italy

Manifestations in Paris

In France, they declared an unprecedented situation with Italy: they were tired of the attacks " systematic, unfounded "against the country's leaders.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to recall its ambassador to Italy for consultations, because of the unprecedented situation in relations between the two countries. Reuters reports.

"The government of French President Emmanuel Macrona withdrew his ambassador in Rome on Thursday unprecedented since the Second World War, declaring that he was tired of the" systematic and unfounded "attacks of Italian political leaders against France "reads the statement.

Diplomatic sources reported that Paris had decided to act after verbal attacks by Italian ministers led by Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Mayo, leader of the five-star movement party.

"France has been the subject of repeated and unfounded attacks and scandalous allegations for several months," said the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"The existence of differences is one thing, but the manipulation of relations in favor of electoral dividends is another," added the ministry, describing Italian behavior as worse since the Second World War, when Benito Mussolini declared war on France in 1940.

Although France withdraws for the first time its ambassador from Italy since 1945, this phenomenon is not without precedent among the members of the Union. 39; EU. In 2016, Greece withdrew its ambassador from Austria and, in 2017, Hungary recalled its representative in the Netherlands.

Recall that the "yellow vests" organize protest actions on Saturdays from November 2018. Initially, they protested against the policies of the French government and demanded lower prices for gasoline and a power increased purchase. Then a number of other requirements were added.

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