Fox News Urges to Defend Donald Trump's Executive Time


Several presenters in Donald Trump's favorite news channel did not see the president spending about 60% of his work day on "executive time", which translates into hours spent in private White House residence watching television, tweeting and phoning

Private schedules disclosed prompted immediate review and criticism – MSNBC's Nicole Wallace lashed out at president for not having nothing hurts. But Fox News hosts rushed to Trump's defense on Monday and Tuesday, according to a video compiled by Media Matters.

The papers, published by Axios on Sunday, detail Trump's daily activities since the mid-term elections. They show that he spent a good part of his day, not at briefings or scheduled meetings, but at an unstructured time during which he may be obsessed with his press coverage, among others. The documents indicate that Trump also used the "executive time" to hold private meetings with officials and talk on the phone with other government leaders. Axios wrote that these conversations did not appear in the president's published programs to remain hidden from most White House employees.

It all sounded good to Fox News people.

in the residence doing work similar to what he was doing at the Oval Office, "said Martha MacCallum. "I think a lot of Americans understand in a way that the way of life has changed somewhat in the world with respect to people's workplace."

. "It came from an unstructured atmosphere."

"It shows how little they understand his skills," Greg Gutfeld said of Trump's critics.

They echo the defense of Trump's agenda by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Sanders said Sunday that the format "allowed [s] to create a more creative environment, which helped him become the most productive president of modern history."

Check out a trumpet tour of Trump's defenders in the video above.

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