France joins the opponents of North Stream-2


Official Paris decided to support the change of European legislation, complicating the construction of the Russian North Stream 2 pipeline

This is written by the German edition Süddeutsche Zeitung with reference to the French government circles.

According to the material, France plans to support Revision of the so-called gas directive during the EU vote scheduled this Friday

"We do not want to increase our dependence on Russia and thus harm the interests from EU countries such as Poland and Slovakia ", pointed out in Paris.

The European Commission is seeking a coherent set of EU energy rules that will be applied to submarine pipelines, as in the case of onshore pipelines.

Brussels will check if the pipeline is in compliance with EU legislation, if there is a risk of adverse effects on the domestic gas market and it does not harm the safety of the company. Supply or competition.

"Until now, the Germans considered the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Greece and Cyprus as their allies, but that is not enough." Without Paris, the federal government will have wrong to vote to defend his will ", – reads in the text.

  • Earlier, the Polish and Romanian foreign ministers announced the need for an urgent revision of the EU gas directive in order to fight against the current north 2.
  • On Richard Grenell, US Ambassador to Germany, North Stream 2 will allow Putin to stop the transit of gas in Ukraine
  • The US Congress will review the law on sanctions against North Stream 2.

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