France will support the distribution of EU rules to North Stream 2


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The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that it would support the extension of the "Third Energy Package" to "North Stream 2". The position of Paris is decisive for the adoption of these changes.

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The North Stream 2 "of Russia in Germany is already under construction in the Baltic Sea / photo

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced its intention to support the change of EU gas legislation to extend the effects to North Stream 2.

This is stated in a press release from the ministry's press service, sent by e-mail. afternoon of Thursday, February 7, writes DW.

This is a proposal.I call on the European Commission to extend the effects of the gas directive (part of the third energy package) on pipelines leading to the EU from third countries. "The amended directive will apply to the North Stream 2 project." France intends to support the adoption of this directive, "the statement said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. foreign countries. The office said it was continuing its work on the text of the document with other countries, especially with Germany. They were working "on the changes that can be made to the text," added the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. France

See also McRone refused to go to Merkel because of disagreements over the North Stream-2

On February 8, the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Member States EU plans to consider draft amendments to the Gas Directive. confirmed to DW correspondent two sources in the EU proposed a change in 2017. However, their promotion has been stalled for a long time.For February 4, Romania, who chaired the EU Council, proposed a new version of the changes to find a compromise. As you know, Germany, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands oppose the dissemination of EU rules supports North Stream 2. Supports the adoption of these changes by more than 10 EU Member States. France's support is decisive

If Romania's proposal enjoys sufficient support on Friday, it will be the last chance to adopt amendments to the European Parliament elections, which will take place in May. The EU Council and the European Parliament must vote in favor of adopting the amendments.

It should be noted that compliance with the three conditions will not mean stopping the North Stream 2 project. However, this may delay the process, especially because it would be necessary to ensure compliance with the Intergovernmental agreement between Germany and Russia. And time is running out, first because the current gas transit agreement with Ukraine, from Russia to the EU, ends on 31 December. Negotiations are underway between Brussels and Moscow on a new transit contract via Brussels. And the fate of "North Stream-2" will strengthen the position of one of the parties, because its launch will allow Russia to transfer some of the gas to the European Union via the territory of the European Union. 39; Ukraine.

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