Freedom House: Ukraine is a country "partially free" – News from politics


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In general, the level of freedom in Ukraine has deteriorated somewhat, according to researchers.

<img alt = "Ukraine has been called a" partially free "country by UNIAN" src = " photos / 2019_01 / 1548235604-8273.jpg? 0.7282143237574954 title =" Country / UNIAN photo "partially free" The Ukraine is called "country / photo partially free" UNIAN

This is what is announced in the new anniversary announced on February 5. The report of the international organization for the defense Freedom House man, who is dedicated to supporting and studying the state of democracy, political freedoms and respect for fundamental human rights in different countries of the world, writes Radio Liberty

in On the whole, the level of freedoms in Ukraine has deteriorated somewhat, the researchers noted. [19459] 013] Read also The former president of Freedom House, David Kramer: There were no separatist movements in Donetsk or Lugansk, there were none in Crimea. Everything was created by the Kremlin

The authors also call attention to the fact that the occupation of Crimea by Russia covers targeted repressions against Crimean Tatars, as well as on those who continue to insist on their Ukrainian property. The "partially free" countries are 59 other states and five territories.

The "non-free" countries, including Russia (50 countries only), as well as eight territories. All countries and territories "free" 87. In total, the report analyzed 209 countries and territories.

In total, between 2005 and 2018, the number of "not free" states increased by 26%, while the share of "free" decreased by 44%. . The decline of democracy is attributed to changing global power struggles, among other things, the influence of non-democratic countries such as China is increasing.

The global decline in political and civic freedoms has been observed for the thirteenth consecutive year – beginning in 2005 Freedom House's report "Freedom in the World 2019".

<img alt = "In 2019, Ukraine remains a country" partially free "/ Freedom House" src = "https: //images.unian .net / photos / 2019_02 / 1549352889-1846.jpg? 0.1527014479219193 "title =" Ukraine in 2019 remains "partially free" country / Freedom House / /

In 2019, Ukraine remains a country "partially free" / Freedom House

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