Full Text: Stop Offer From Trump To Dems


  President Donald Trump "title =" President Donald Trump "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  President Donald Trump talks about the partial closure of the government in the diplomatic reception hall of the White House Saturday. | Alex Brandon / AP Photo </p>
<p><i>  President Donald Trump's Statement on Border Security and Closure of the Government, issued January 19, 2019 from the White House Diplomatic Reception Hall. </i></p>
<p>  Not long ago, I had the honor of presiding over the swearing in of five members.This was a beautiful ceremony and a moving reminder of the proud history of our country to welcome legal immigrants from around the world in our national family. </p>
<p class= The story continues below

I told them that beauty and majesty citizenship is that it makes no distinction of race, class, faith, gender or origin All Americans whether they are of the first or the tenth generation, are united by love and loyalty, by friendship and affection. [19659007] We are all equal. We are a team and a people proudly greeting a big American flag. We believe in a safe and lawful immigration system that respects our most cherished laws, traditions and values.

Unfortunately, our immigration system has been severely broken for a very long time. Over the decades, many presidents and lawmakers have passed, and no real progress has been made in immigration matters.

We are now living with the consequences – and they are tragic – caused by decades of political stalemate, partisan stalemate and national neglect.

There is a humanitarian and security crisis on our southern border that requires urgent action. Thousands of children are exploited by ruthless coyotes, vicious cartels and gangs. One in three women are sexually assaulted during the dangerous north trip. In fact, many loving mothers give the birth control pill to their young daughters during the long journey to the United States, because they know that they may be violated, addressed, or denied. sexually assaulted. Nearly 50 migrants a day are sent urgently for medical care.

Large amounts of deadly narcotics flood our border and our communities, including methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. The drug kills 78,000 Americans a year and costs our society more than $ 700 billion. Heroin alone kills 300 Americans a week, 90% of which pass through our southern border. We can stop heroin.

Illegal immigration reduces wages and harms public services. The lack of border control provides a gateway – and a very wide and open gateway – for criminals and gang members to enter the United States, including criminal aliens who murdered a brave California police officer the day after Christmas.

I came to know and love the mothers, fathers and family of Angels who lost loved ones to the benefit of people illegally in our country. I want it to end. It must end now. These are not points of discussion. These are harrowing realities that daily hurt innocent and precious human beings on both sides of the border.

As a presidential candidate, I had promised to resolve this crisis and I intend to keep that promise one way or the other. Our immigration system should be a source of pride and not a source of shame, as it is the case all over the world. Our immigration system should be the envy of the world, not a symbol of disunity and dysfunction.

The good news is that these problems can all be solved, but only if we have the political courage to do what is right and what is right. .

The two parties in Washington simply need to get together, listen, get rid of their armor, build trust, turn to the other side of the hall and find solutions.

It's time to recover our future from the extreme voices that fear compromises and demand the opening of borders, which means drug influx, human trafficking and a lot of crime.

That is why I am here today to break the deadlock and provide Congress with a way to move forward to end the closure of the government and solve the problem. the crisis on the southern border. If we succeed in this effort, then we will have the best chance, for a very long time, of realizing a true bipartisan immigration reform. And that will not stop there.

The proposal I am going to present today is based, above all, on the comments of our border services officers and our homeland security professionals – and the professionals who 'they are. They know what they do. This is a compassionate response to the ongoing tragedy on the southern border.

In recent weeks, we have met with a large number of Democratic legislators to hear their ideas and suggestions. By incorporating the priorities of the Basic Democrats into our plan, we hope that they will provide their enthusiastic support. And I think a lot will do it.

This is a common-sense compromise that both parties should adopt. The radical left can never control our borders. I will never let him arrive. The walls are not immoral. In fact, they are the opposite of immoral, because they will save many lives and prevent drugs from flowing into our country.

Our plan includes: emergency humanitarian assistance of $ 800 million; $ 805 million for drug detection technology to secure our entry points; 2,750 border officers and additional law enforcement professionals; Believe it or not, 75 new teams of immigration judges aim to reduce the backlog of nearly 900,000 cases. However, Congress needs to change the concept of lengthy trials for anyone who stumbles illegally in our country. It is unsustainable. It's ridiculous. Few places in the world could even envision such an impossible nightmare.

Our plan includes essential measures to protect migrant children from exploitation and abuse. This includes a new system allowing minors in Central America to apply for asylum in their home country and a reform to promote family reunification of unaccompanied children, thousands of whom are found at home. border.

To physically protect our border, the plan includes $ 5.7 billion for a strategic deployment of physical barriers, or a wall. This is not a 2,000 mile concrete structure from one ocean to the other. These are steel barriers located in high priority areas. Much of the border is already protected by natural barriers such as mountains and water. We already have many kilometers of barrier, including 115 kilometers that we are currently building or under contract. It will be done quickly. Our request will add another 230 km this year in the most urgent areas for our border agents. This will have an incredible impact.

If we build a powerful and fully designed transparent steel barrier on our southern border, the crime rate and the drug problem in our country would be quickly and dramatically reduced. Some say it could be halved. Because these criminals, drug traffickers, gangs and traffickers do not stop at our border; they permeate our entire country and end up in places where you least expect. They go everywhere in our country. A steel barrier will help us stop illegal immigration while safely guiding the trade to our legal points of entry.

Many of these ideas about security have been proposed by the Democrats themselves and all have been backed by Democrats in the past, including a physical barrier, wall or fence.

In addition, in order to create the confidence and goodwill necessary to initiate a genuine immigration reform, my plan has two additional elements.

The first is the three year old. Legislative relief for 700,000 DACA beneficiaries illegally brought here by their parents at a young age many years ago. This extension will give them access to work permits, social security numbers and protection against deportation, in particular.

Secondly, our proposal provides for a three-year extension of the temporary protection status. This means that 300,000 immigrants whose protected status is about to expire will now have three more years of certainty for Congress to negotiate a broader immigration agreement, which everyone wants – Republicans and Democrats. And our farmers and our vineyards will not be affected because a legal and regulated entry into our country will be easy and consistent.

This is our plan: border security, DACA, TPS and many other things. Simple, fair, reasonable, and common sense, with a lot of compromise. The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, is committed to submitting this bill to a vote this week in the United States Senate

Our proposal is not intended to solve all of our problems. ;immigration. This plan solves the immediate crisis – and it's a horrible crisis. It is a humanitarian crisis as we rarely see in our country. And it provides humanitarian aid, real security at the border and immediately reopens our federal government.

If this effort succeeds, we can then launch the border project [broader] aimed at reshaping our immigration system for the 21st century. Once the government is open and we have paid a down payment for border security and immigration reform begins, I plan to call weekly bipartite meetings at the White House to create a finished product. excellent product – a product that we can all be proud of this elusive immigration problem.

Whatever we do, I can promise you this: I will never forget that my first duty, and my ultimate loyalty, is to you, American people. All the reforms we bring to our immigration system will be designed to improve your life, make your communities safer and make our country more prosperous and secure for future generations.

Thank you and God bless America. Thank you.

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