George Conway Congratulates Chuck Schumer on Achieving a Breathtaking Asset


Conway, referring to a video of the confrontation between men and representative Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) In the Oval Office in December, tweeted that Schumer "essentially uses Trump's narcissism" – and "attempt of machismo "- to bring it to say" I'm going to close it. " "

Schumer" can hardly believe that Trump is crazy enough to bite at the hook, "Conway added." But of course, Trump is. "Conway also congratulated Schumer for his" superhuman efforts to avoid bursting into laughter at Trump's imbecility. "

The President subsequently refused to sign a federal spending bill because he did not foresee $ 5.7 billion. The stalemate in part of the government was the longest shutdown in US history, and Trump now refers to it as "Schumer Shutdown." 19659005]. @BillKristol The video shows so much better the Trump's machination attempt, as well as Schumer's superhuman efforts not to burst. laugh at the imbecility of Trump.

– George Conway (@gtconway3d) January 24, 2019

Conway also cited an article published in 2017 by BuzzFeed that cited an unnamed White House official who had noted that Trump was not able to play the "kind of three-dimensional chess game" needed in complex political situations. "Most often, he just eats the pieces," Conway said citing the manager.

Conway's Twitter subscribers loved his tear." Http://

It was a special special moment. Yuuggge

– Andrea Schoech (@Aschoech) January 24, 2019

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