Gillibrand defends his statement before Franken's ouster: "Enough, that was enough"


Gillibrand, who was the first to request Franken's resignation, was clearly willing to answer questions regarding the Minnesota Democrat, whose ouster after a string of allegations in 2017 remains a contentious issue for the party. Some leftists, including a number of major Democratic donors, feel that Franken was expelled too quickly, while others think he got what he deserved.

Gillibrand said on Friday that she had made the decision to help overthrow him because "my silence meant that I was defending him and carrying his water, which I did not want to do."

"Enough, that's enough," Gillibrand said twice, pointing out that the critical point in his decision was the eight allegations made against Franken. "Al Franken has the right to follow the desired procedure, if he wishes, and waits six months for his hearing.His decision was to resign.My intention was not to remain silent."

Gillibrand added, "You have to stay upright.And if you create a pass because you love someone, or you love someone, or admire someone, or that it's part of your team, it's not okay, it's just not, and I feel it's very painful.This is painful for me.That's painful for many of us. "

Franken announced his resignation in December 2017 after several women accused him of improperly touching them. Franken apologized for some of the charges but said in his resignation speech that his response to these women's stories "gave some people the false impression that I was admitting things that I did not have." not done ".

Gillibrand was the first to ask for his resignation, writing that it would be "best for our country" – he was sending a clear message that any form of abuse of women in our society would Was not acceptable in retiring to let someone else serve "(19659007). Gillibrand's comments were well received in the room, including by Bernie Scolaro, the 60-year-old woman who posed the question to the New York Democrat who is running for president.

"It's the only thing I continue to read" about it. Scolaro said. "She believed in what she said and she told the truth, she followed her belief, I respect that."

Gillibrand also noted that his son, Theo, had asked him during the Franken controversy: "Mom, why are you so mean to Al Franken?"

"And as a mother, I had to be very clear: "It's not OK to fumble a woman anywhere on her body without her consent.It is not correct to kiss a woman without her consent. is not acceptable for Al Franken and for you, "said Gillibrand. "And I could not be ambiguous about it."

Gillibrand's decision to help hunt Franken has become a nagging issue for his presidential aspirations, particularly among wealthy Democratic donors.

George Soros, the billionaire Democrat donor, told the Washington Post in 2018, hoping that Gillibrand failed to grab the bid for 2020 because it pushed Franken "to improve his chances."

The Franken saga, however, was not a major concern for Iowans on Friday. [19659002] Marlene Sturdevant, the host of the Friday night meeting, said that she "sincerely" appreciated Franken, but described Gillibrand's role in her setting aside as "medium ".

"It's just unfortunate," she said.

David Halaas, a 64-year-old man from Sioux City, said that he did not think that Gillibrand's role in ousting Franken would hurt the senator of Iowa.

"I think she expressed her opinion and responded honestly," Halaas said. "She spoke with her heart."

And Jim Jung, 70, from Sioux City, thought people had "forgotten all this".

Only Rick Mullen, age 65 A former retiree from Sioux City said that he was concerned about Franken's treatment and that he thought the senator was a "railroad".

"Most of us like Al Franken," he said. "I think it's been badly treated and used."

However, most of Gillibrand's speeches do not deal with Franken, and the senator devotes considerable time to attacking President Donald Trump's worldview.

"I wish to present myself to the press for president because I feel that we are at this moment where, as you have said, there is a darkness," she said. "President Trump has created so much hatred and division."

She added, "I think I must use everything I can to defeat what he has created."

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