Google personifies data users: how to protect


Google has, without its knowledge, changed the privacy policy of its account holder services. From now on, your browsing history may be comparable to the personal data of the Google Account Holder. Without a doubt, this news scandalized users of Google, which clearly exceed one billion.

According to Nex's web resource, when Google purchased the DoubleClick ad network in 2007, the company's founder, Sergey Brin, said the search giant's privacy would be "the number one priority." implementation of promotional products. "Apparently, the search engine decided not to manage users' personal data and to start selling them to third parties who were already showing you ads.

How did DoubleClick help? it's been working in recent years? For nearly 10 years, the DoubleClick database for web browsing has been separated from the personal information of users that Google has received from Gmail and other accounts. However, even reading personal letters of business users was not enough.

According to the updated privacy policy, the browsing history can be likened to the personal data of the Google Account Holder.

Remember that Microsoft gave up Skype Classic. It should be noted at the outset that these are only 8 versions of popular service. Apparently, the company did not want to keep the current version of the apps anymore.

Previously, Know.u had reported that a Google employee had managed to break the iOS 12. so that the company corrects its mistakes. It only took a month. In any case, the fact that the vulnerability is present will defeat the reputation of the company.

Know .u wrote that Apple had again sent to the counter a revolutionary iPhone. Of course, this is the iPhone X, which became the first smartphone cut, and the new FaceID protection system. By the way, this time, the device will be sold at a price of 700 dollars, which can only please.

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