Google Play has detected malware for Android smartphones. What is this application?


Specialists have discovered on Google Play a malicious program for Android that works only when moving a smartphone.

This is written by ZD Net

On January 17, 2019, Trend Micro's cyber security experts said they found both of these on Google Play. Applications have been hidden for services that many will find useful: currency converter and energy saving program.

Applications are named Currency Converter and BatterySaverMobi. The last of them received 4.5 stars from 73 reviews and was downloaded more than 5,000 times, but researchers believe that these estimates could be fraudulent.

These apps add bank Trojans to phones called Anubis, but it's also interesting to know how the malicious program launches. The Currency Converter and BatterySaverMobi try to use sensors on the victim's device to prevent detection.

When users move their device, the software monitors it via motion sensors and is currently activated by Anubis. Malware also attempts to force the user to download and install Anubis Trojan with the help of an APK file and for a false notification of system updates.

Malware also accesses contact lists, location data, and can record audio, send SMS, make calls, and interfere with external storage.

Trend Micro indicates that the latest version of Anubis in the wild has been distributed in 93 countries and is trying to extract identification information related to 377 potentially dangerous financial applications. regulate the lion's share of banking operations.

"Deficiencies in the security of mobile devices can have serious consequences for many users because devices are used to store a large amount of information and connect to different their accounts," Trend Micro reports. "Users should pay attention to any application that requests banking identification information, in particular, and ensure that they are legally affiliated with their bank."

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