Google told us how to crack any smartphone on Android with a photo


An official publication was published on the Google Developers blog, in which security experts report a new way to hack the Android operating system. It is alleged that this can be done using the usual image, but it must necessarily have a PNG format. Using this method, you can steal personal data on your mobile device by infecting it with malware. In this case, no additional software, such as an antivirus, helps in this case.

The American company Google ensures that the use of the PNG image can damage any smartphone or tablet running Android 7.0 Nougat or any other application. – which is a more recent operating system and, on this basis, is currently running all models marketed in the last two years. To perform the hacking, you have to configure the image in a special way so that it can execute arbitrary code in a privileged process. For experienced developers, this will not be difficult.

In this case, an Android-based smartphone will break it and catch it with harmful software without any protection, which will have very unpleasant negative consequences for the smartphone owner. To do this, as Google claims, there is a special vulnerability that directly hides it in the PNG codec. To solve this problem, the search giant has already released a fix for the security system, available for installation on some models of mobile devices. If it is not installed – the risk of exposure is high.

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