Google Translate translate into genre


In an effort to reduce gender bias in their translations, Google's translation service now displays some sort of translation.

Now Google Translate will display both female and male translations of words in some languages. The Verge writes about it

Previously, the Google translator had only one translation option for words that could have a feminine or masculine form.

For example, translations of words such as "strong" or "doctor" were previously classified in the male language, while the words "beautiful" and "nurse" were correlated with the feminine gender. Google Translation will now feature translation options for men and women.

However, this option will not be available for everyone, but for some languages. At present, support is provided to the male and female generations in the English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish translations. This feature is also available for translations from Turkish to English.

Yes, Google Translate gives an example in which the Turkish phrase "o bir doktor" will be translated into English in two ways: as "she is a doctor". gender) and "he is a doctor" (masculine gender).

For the moment, the language-specific translation function only works in Chrome and Firefox browsers. In the future, it will also be integrated with iOS and Android mobile platforms.

In addition, Google is working to expand the list of supported languages.

Remember that the creators of the Google Translate online translator have added a new feature to the program. Although the translator has not been popular due to an inadequate translation, it has this time added a really interesting feature that will facilitate communication with foreigners.
The translator will now distinguish dialects. The authors of the project claim that such an innovation will be an important aid for travel, because the application allows to distinguish the speech of the person by his hearing. This will make the conversation more free and understandable for strangers.

As the portal reports, a popular translator, Google Translate, has learned to translate documents. ] [ad_2]
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