Graham & # 39; Hell & # 39; wants to fill the next vacancy at the Supreme Court with conservative justice, among Ginsburg's health problems


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told "Fox News Sunday" that he was "resolutely determined" to make sure that the next vacant position at the Supreme Court – which he's Act of the seat of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg in trouble or otherwise – is provided by

Graham, the new chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, pointed out that the former leader of the Democratic senator's majority , Harry Reid, had eliminated the filibuster from the Senate for the Federal Appellate Bench in 2013. Republicans then retaliated by eliminating the filibuster for Supreme Court appointments, which means that a simple majority – rather than a qualified majority of 60 votes – is enough to confirm new candidates to the Supreme Court.

"My fellow Democrats felt that when they were in command, we should confirm the judges by a majority vote," Graham told Chris Wallace of Fox News. "They changed the rules to accommodate President Obama.They tried to stack the court.They never thought that Clinton would lose.So what you will have is the desire of Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer to place the court under their democratic oversight has come back to haunt them. "

Ginsburg will miss the top sessions next week and his homework, but his recovery after early stage surgery for a cancer Lung remains "on track" and no further treatment is needed, the court said Friday. The 85-year-old woman was absent this week from the pleading – the first since she took office – after her December operation, sparked speculation about a possible departure and led the White House to quiet planning for this scenario. 19659003] Following controversial confirmation hearings by current Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who were marked by a series of allegations of underhanded and unsubstantiated sexual misconduct, Graham claimed that there would be a "repression of the left" regardless of Trump's candidacy.

"If there is an opening, whether it is Ginsburg or someone else, I urge the president to appoint a conservative Qualified and I hope these people will succeed – this person will succeed, "continued Graham. "And I expect it to go in the party direction, and that's what happens when you change the rules, it came back to bite them, I predicted it, and we'll see." I hope that Judge Ginsburg will sit for a long time But if there is an opening on this court, I will be very inclined to appoint a conservative to replace anyone who resigns for any reason. "

Pressed by Wallace on the Opportunity to Designate a Conservative To replace a liberal icon such as Ginsburg, Graham again stated that the Liberals only had Reid to blame – and he suggested that Kavanaugh's treatment meant all the bets were in vain.

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"They should have thought about it before changing the rules," said Graham. "They tried to destroy conservative judges." I voted for [Sonia] Sotomayor and [Elena] Kagan, understanding what I was getting, so this decision of Reid and Schumer might come back to haunt them, but I'm determined to do so is a Conservative candidate, the elections have consequences, the rules of the Senate have not been changed by me, and we had to do so at the Supreme Court because they did not give us the right to vote to appoint Kavanaugh was a good man, they tried to destroy him, all of which will come back to haunt them one day. "

On the other hand, Graham claimed that President Trump was always ready and willing to reach an agreement with congressional Democrats to end the current partial party. closure of the federal government, although the window closes quickly.

Graham suggests that the White House is likely to endorse a compromise that extends the protections afforded to temporary protection status (SPT) beneficiaries fleeing natural disasters in exchange for funding the Trump Border Wall Project

 . On the 20th day of partial government closures, federal employees gather on Capitol Hill to protest the deadlock between Congress and President Donald Trump following his request to fund a US-Mexico border wall. Washington, DC, Jan. 10, 2019. (AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

On the 20th day of partial government closures, federal employees gather on Capitol Hill to protest the deadlock between Congress and President Donald Trump on his application for funding a US-Mexican border wall in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 10, 2019. (AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

"I talked to him about 30 minutes ago, he said," Let's make a deal, "Graham told facilitator Chris Wallace," The plan is to make an agreement. He is ready, in my opinion, to make wall-over. The financing of the wall that we desperately needed has been done in the past – see if we can make an agreement around the GST There are about 400,000. They will soon lose their legal status. He is ready to prolong that. "

Graham adds that Trump would be willing to offer work permits to deferred action beneficiaries for children arriving from the Obama era." (DACA) program for people brought illegally to the United States While they were children – a compromise the White House had approved last summer – Graham noted, however, that Trump's planned cancellation of the DACA program continues in the appeal court process, with several federal judges having ruled that the White House had violated federal administrative law by terminating DACA without giving notice or legally sufficient justification. (The Trump administration primarily argued that Obama's unilateral order rendered DACA unconstitutional.) [19659003] WHARD THE ARMY'S BODY TO EXAMINE SOURCES OF FUNDING AFTER AN EMERGENCY DECLARATION

"Recipients of the DACA, they are all tied up in court, but I think it would give them work permits for three years, renewable once, if he could get wall funding. Graham said, "I do not want to speak on behalf of the president. I do not want to lock him up. But I am convinced that what I have just described with a few other elements would be an acceptable agreement for the White House and many Democrats. and I am so frustrated that we can not enter a room and pound it. "

Graham on Friday urged Trump to invoke his presidential powers of urgency to immediately start construction of the wall without congressional approval." Last week, the White House asked Army Corps search for ways to finance border security, including by reallocating unspent funds for disaster relief, sign that the administration is heading in this direction.

"What is [[Trump] supposed to do, he gives in, he will not give up. "

– Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham

The senator from South Carolina told Wallace that he was not worried to see Democrats invoking a state of affairs. urgency to bypass Congress, both because they would have a weaker legislative argument and because Republicans would probably be more willing to compromise to reach a compromise solution. "Graham responded that no urgency was declared to promulgate DACA. If the White House were to adopt an emergency declaration, it would have some legal channels to take. The National Emergency Act gives the president broad authority to declare emergency situations and several federal laws could allow the White House to build a wall.

  A Honduran migrant holds his daughter while border police officers watch before crossing the border fence to reach the US side in San Diego, California, from Tijuana, Mexico, on Thursday, January 3, 2019 Discouraged by the long wait for asylum demand through official ports of entry, many recent caravan migrants choose to cross the US border wall and surrender to patrol agents. border. (AP photo / Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

A Honduran migrant holds his daughter in his arms while border patrol officers look at them before crossing the border fence to reach the US side in San Diego, California, from Tijuana, Mexico. Thursday, January 3, 2019. Discouraged by the long wait for asylum demand by official entry points, many recent caravan migrants choose to cross the US border wall and engage in security agents. border patrol. (AP Photo / Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

A law, US Code 33, § 2293 – "Reprogramming in case of national emergency", authorizes the president to "use the resources of the Department of the Army's civil engineering works program, including funds, personnel and equipment, for the construction, operation, maintenance and repair of civil engineering works, military constructions and authorized civil defense projects which are essential to national defense. "

Another law, 10 US Code § 2808 -" Construction Authority in Case of Declaration of War or State of National Emergency ", authorizes the Secretary of Defense, in a situation of urgency declared by the President, to use "funds earmarked for military construction" for the purpose of carrying out "military construction projects"


Graham declared reasoning democrats blues – including Delaware Sen. Chris Coons, who spoke to Wallace later "Fox News Sunday" and suggested he's open to bargaining on the border wall – would be willing to reach an agreement without obliging Trump to use these emergency powers. ("I agree with the view that Lindsey Graham has just given the President, namely that he should reopen the government and that we should spend several weeks negotiating on what we can all be in agreement, "said Coons." Personally, I do not think a boundary wall is … immoral. ")

But, said Graham, the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi – who called the wall "immorality" – unreasonably interrupted the negotiations by saying that she would give no more than a dollar for Trump's wall, whatever the circumstances.

"All Democrats with whom I have been working for about 10 years have agreed to fund barriers / walls on the Obama, Bush and all of a sudden, this is a bad thing on Trump's watch ", Graham said to Wallace. "What is [Trump] supposed to do, just give in? He will not give up. "

Graham concludes by proposing a last-minute solution to the partial closure of the federal government, which has become the longest in the nation's history on Wednesday.

" I urge him to let the government speak for a short time, about three weeks, before he ends his activities, "said Graham." See if we can get an agreement. If we can not do it after three weeks, all the bets are lost. See if he can do it himself thanks to the emergency powers. That's my recommendation. But I think the legislative way is Nancy Pelosi, House Leader, said, "Even if you open the government, I'll give you a dollar for the wall." As long as this is the case, we'll never get a legislative package, no matter what the Senate does. "

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