Guaido asked the help of Pope / New Time


Today, 17:01


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Juan Guadio

The acting president of Venezuela, Huang Guaido, asked Pope Francis Francis to help resolve the conflict in Venezuela.

Guaidot said in an interview with Sky TG24

"I appeal to all those who can help us: the pope, the diplomats who can work to end the usurpation, the establishment of a transitional government and Venezuela, genuinely free elections as soon as possible, "Guaido said.

According to him, he would be happy to receive the Pope in Venezuela, "the country is very Catholic, very devout, endowed with strong religious traditions".

Earlier, Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro said he wrote a letter to Pope Francis asking for a dialogue in the country.

Previously, Maduro had criticized the recognition by EU countries of Juan Guadio as the country's provisional president.

On February 4, Germany, Britain, France, Spain, as well as Sweden, the Czech Republic and Finland recognized the head of the country. opposition, Juan Guadio, interim president of Venezuela. day

On January 23, the leader of the opposition and speaker of parliament, Huang Guaido, declared himself acting president of the economic crisis in Venezuela.

Nicholas Maduro, whom Russia considers a legitimate president, has declared an attempted coup d'etat.

US President Donald Trump is planning to send American troops to Venezuela. He noted that it was "one of the options", but did not specify in which case he could take such a step.

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