Historical facts, traditions and holiday tips


Many myths and legends cover the figure of a mysterious Valentine

A story began in ancient Rome. Emperor Claudius II forbade young men from his state to marry in order to prevent women from taking them to the army. The Lord thought it was women who would not let their husbands go to war. And it's allegedly deliberately preventing a strong man from defending his homeland, Ukr.Media informs.

But love, as we know, can not win. And people got married secretly. And he helped them in this case, local doctor and preacher of Christianity, Valentine's Day. It lasted a long time the happiness of the young people. Unfortunately, the emperor heard rumors of a secret marriage and the violator of the Valentine Law thrown in jail. The preacher was announced that he was executed the next day. Without leaving a minute, he wrote a letter of love to his beloved daughter and asked him to give it to him. What became the last desire of the martyr.

Two hundred years later, the Catholic Church of Valentine was canonized. And in 496, the Roman pope Gelacius proclaims Valentine's Day on February 14th.

On February 14, the Catholic Church honors Valentine's Day. He risked his life because he had secretly crowned Christian couples during the persecution of the church in the third century. Therefore, probably, people began to turn to him in prayers as the protector of lovers.

Many myths and legends cover the figure of a mysterious Valentine.

The Traditions of Public Holidays in Different Countries of the World

The celebration of Valentine's Day in different countries has only begun that day. ;in the nineteenth century. And now, every year, February 14, lovers give each other heart-shaped cards, make romantic appointments, make offers, get married.

In Japan, for example, girls receive chocolate. The fact is that men of the rising sun, as a rule, do not like sugary ones. And delicacies are considered a purely feminine passion.

In England, it was decided to be a pious one. On the morning of February 14, unmarried girls go out into the street and look for birds. If you meet Malinovka on their way, it means that the future man will be a sailor. Sparrow symbolizes the poor man and flicker, on the contrary, announces the rich.

In the United States, marzipan, as well as red and white candies, are a crazy love for the United States. In the United States, they are convinced that flowers and sweets are symbols of love and purity.

French men are not original. For each Valentine's Day, they offer their favorite jewelry.

Dried white flowers are sent to Denmark

In Spain, with a mailbox, send them a letter of love.

In Iceland, on February 14, a fire is lit in the name of the son of a god. Odin In this country, the flame symbolizes passion.

However, a tradition is respected in all countries: if you make a proposal on February 14 or if you play a wedding that day, the marriage will be happy and lasting.

can not be done on Valentine's Day and the day before

1. First of all, you can not be indifferent and rude on this day. Even if you do not have a second half, this day is a great opportunity to say "love" to parents, friends and friends.

2. You should not radically experience the appearance to surprise your loved one. It is better to change the image in a few weeks.

3. Do not wear new shoes that day, which can ruin the impression of the holidays.

4. Do not leave for bed experiments. According to statistics, it is February 14, Valentine's Day, that poor women most often fall in clinics that wanted to please their beloved, but were on the bed of the day. ;hospital.

5. Not worth a lot of alcohol.

6. There is no need to be subjected to random sex.

7. Do not give gifts that would upset your other half.

Many think that Valentine's Day has created sellers of leaflets and stuffed animals to allow lovers to buy the goods. Not at all! This festival has its own history and traditions.

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