"How are we not ashamed?": Ahedzhakova made a furious call to the Russians about Sentsov


  Photo: Leah Ahedjakov (facebook.com theatrefnation)

Photo: Leah Ahedjakov (facebook.com theatrefnation)

Ukrainian supported actor

Russian actress of theater and film, Leah Ahedjakov called the Russians to remain indifferent to the problem of Ukrainian political prisoner Oleg Sentsov, who is illegally detained by the authorities of the Russian Federation. The actress was outraged by the fact that the World Cup in Russia was taking place while Sentsov was already starving for the second month.

"What's going on?" Under the veil of this drug, this common pleasure. he was ready to take the whole world with open arms … But quietly, quietly, behind the shutters, under a rug, a person is already hungry on the 54th day, "said Ahedzhakov

The artist recalls that the European Parliament demands the immediate release of political prisoners

"The European Parliament is almost unanimous, there are 480 votes, asks Russia to recognize that they are political prisoners and to release them immediately! We are entering all these PACE, OSCE … But we are not worried that we have football … We are denied courage, honesty, decency, "- summed up the actress.

The video cast The edition of "Radio Liberty".

Recall that on July 6 in Moscow a concert with the participation of Russian stars was supported by the Ukrainian political prisoner Oleg Sentsov. The following artists, such as Andrei Makarevich, Leah Ahedzhakov, Viktor Shenderovich, participated in the action

How many Ukrainian political prisoners in the Russian Federation


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