How do women stop smoking? Scientists have described an effective way


Women who smoke are three times less likely to quit smoking than men. The reason is an ineffective way of treating addiction. However, scientists have identified an effective way to stop smoking in women – they need to be less calm and less nervous.

American scientists from the Medical University of the University of South Carolina conducted an experiment in which nearly 200 smokers were followed by the Medical Federation. [19659003] Read also: How the body changes after quitting

In a nervous situation, women felt more stressed than men. Because of this, they often wanted to be dragged into a cigarette.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that women's nervousness may increase their desire to smoke and their dependence on tobacco . Therefore, if a woman is stressed and does not restore her peace, she will probably not be able to quit.

Tobacco addiction in the beautiful half of humanity is determined not by the desire to receive a new dose of nicotine, but by a psycho-emotional factor.

"The most commonly proposed screening method Current smokers use nicotine replacement therapy: patches, chewing gum, inhalers, if women relied mainly on cigarettes because of nicotine, it would be excellent decision, however, for women, all these substitutes do not work very well, "the researchers said. 19659004] Therefore, in order to get rid of this harmful habit, women are encouraged to meditate, to communicate with a psychologist and to look more easily at the problems of life.

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