How does Russia handle the theme of war and the support of the "peace parties"


The Kremlin is one of the biggest investors in the Ukrainian election. Russia wants to support its candidates for the presidency of Ukraine, serves as financial mediator and with the help of human resources, manipulating the theme of the war on Donbass.

The director of the center for analysis "Politics" Nikolay Davidiv spoke of these 24 channels.

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The spokesman of Putin Peskov, who says that the duration of the conflict in the Donbass depends on the results of the presidential election, obviously when he bought Teslu, did not understand that Ukraine had stopped coordinating the presidential candidates in Moscow. The Ukraine will not exchange the whole of the state in separate occupied districts of Donbass, but will want to free them from Russia
– says Davidov

The political scientist observes that: The statements of Moscow must be perceived from a hybrid point of view and considered as a media provocation. If Russia says that it supports someone, that does not always correspond to reality.

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At the same time, the expert points out: the statements that the war will cease if the election of Ukrainian President faithful in Moscow is a provocation. Examples of the Russian occupation of the territories of the post-Soviet space countries indicate the opposite.

What is said in Moscow: select a Yanukovych again conditionally, and the war will end, ORDLO will return to Ukraine, this will not happen. Russia never returns anything. Do not forget Georgia, Moldova and Belarus. In Georgia, many years in power are enough. loyal politicians in Moscow, as well as Abkhazia and South Ossetia are also occupied by Russia. Similarly, in Moldova, where President Dodon is constantly traveling to Moscow, Transnistria is still under the influence of Moscow. And with Lukashenka, the Kremlin now raises the question of the additional sovereignty and independence of Belarus,
– stresses Nikolay Davidiv

. The expert noted: Russia considers all these territories as their own colonial appendages. And the occupied territories are not going to be released. Because these are the spheres of influence of Russia. All separatist enclaves are created to manipulate and influence the policies of other states.

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the situation in Donbass, where the Russo-Ukrainian war is going on, will eventually become a frozen conflict and will depend on the results. elections in Ukraine. According to him, it depends on whether the party will be in power. In this case, there is no chance that the conflict will stop.

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