Hoyer claims the GOP congressman threw "spilling on a Hispanic" saying "get back to Puerto Rico"


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., On Thursday accused GOP Representative Jason Smith of "inappropriately spraying against a Hispanic Democrat" by telling him to "go back to Puerto Rico "- no matter if the commentary, as Smith repeatedly said, was just referring to the recent trip of a delegation of the Democratic Congress in the Caribbean Island.

"Whatever it was, it was an aspiration on a Hispanic, that he should return to Puerto Rico." Hoyer told Fox News, questioned about the possibility that Smith had no intention of racial anime. Hoyer added that he was certain that the comment was directed to Tony Cárdenas, representative of California, born in Los Angeles and of Mexican descent.

Smith, R-Mo., S est is quickly excused from Cárdenas for his remark, which followed. parties have been arguing in the House about a bill to reopen the government. Cárdenas initially stated that he was "shocked" by the comment, although he then suggested that he was ready to move on.

"I often heard such comments when I was a child, in Pacoima, Calif.


"There is a saying that says that I learned from my parents," from todo lo malo, siempre algo bueno ", which means in English, & # 39; From all evil, it will come out something good & # 39; & # 39 ;, added Cárdenas. "I look forward to working with Congressman Smith and getting to know him. In the coming months. "

But Smith repeated that he was talking about a highly publicized trip of about 30 Democratic Democrats in Puerto Rico – with their families and lobbyists – for a final winter retreat." where some would have attended a special performance of the hit Broadway show "Hamilton." [19659003] Those who attended the Hispanic Congressional Caucus meeting, BOLD PAC, in San Juan, also met with Puerto Rican officials to discuss Ongoing cleanup efforts led by Hurricane Maria.The trip drew attention because, in Washington, Democrats and Republicans remained in stalemate on how to resolve the partial blockage of funding for the Wall

Smith was talking to all the Democrats who were spending their holidays in Puerto Rico last weekend, when closing, not an individual, "said his director of communications.

About 800,000 federal employees are affected by the closure, many of whom work without pay for nearly a month.

Earlier on Thursday, Hoyer pointed out that the House voted to disapprove the comments on white supremacy pronounced Tuesday by Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, and on the tense climate that reigned at Capitol Hill.

"We have just experienced a very difficult week. […] I hope that we will be able to avoid any prejudice, racism or any other nature that would diminish the character or integrity of One of our colleagues. "


Hoyer proposed Wednesday to refer Democrats motions to censor King in front of the committee of 39; ethics. The House approved the motion by a vote by vote of Hoyer, thereby rejecting the resolutions and excluding a vote at the time of the vote.

The Democratic leaders of the House reportedly intended to table the motion of censure because they feared to open the door to similar censure motions. own members. Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib, for example, described President Trump as a "mother of the family" and was photographed with Linda Sarsour, a supporter of the controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who compared the Jewish people. to termites and praised Hitler.

Sarah Tobianski of Fox News contributed to this report.

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