Hoyer says "safe" when asked if Trump can deliver SOTU, despite Pelosi's objections


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told Fox News Tuesday "Your world with Neil Cavuto" that he would not oppose President Trump delivering a speech on the state of the Union in the House of Representatives on January 29, despite the Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi's repeated threats to delay traditional speech.

Hoyer, D-Md., Also indicated that the Senate was planning to vote Thursday afternoon on Republicans and Democrats' proposals to end the partial closure underway by the federal government. day. Both votes are voting votes, which means that they need 60 votes to be adopted.

"It's definitely a step forward in having votes, and I understand that one of the bills we've sent out, that reopens the government up to the point of February 8, will be put on the ground, "said Hoyer, citing the Democrats' bill, which includes no funding for the Trump Border Wall Project. "I'm sure all Democrats will vote for this bill."

The GOP bill follows Trump's proposal on Saturday, proposing to the Democrats a three-year extension of the protection of 700,000 beneficiaries of DACA (Delayed Action for Child Arrivals), in A $ 5.7 billion exchange, he was looking for a barrier along Mexico's southern border with its southern border.

The proposed White House agreement would also extend the protection of 300,000 beneficiaries of the temporary protection program (TPS), which protects immigrants from designated countries in conditions that prevent nationals from returning home safely .

But Hoyer, the Democratic Party in House No. 2, said that Republicans in the Senate could not, realistically, rely on the support of a single Democrat, which would mean that "no one in the House" would be able to do so. he would not be close to the threshold of 60 votes required to be adopted. Republicans have a slim majority in the Senate (53 to 47).

"I do not think he will demote the Democrats," said Hoyer, noting that the closure is "dangerous," given reports that an unprecedented number of security controllers at federal airports cry sick. "They think the government should be reopened, so there should be a negotiation."

Hoyer's comments came as Fox News reported that the White House was still planning to go ahead with the planned State of the Union speech next week, even while the details remained unresolved after Pelosi urged the president to delay the speech or submit it in writing during the battle for the closure of the government.

Fox News learned that the White House had sent a letter to the Sergeant-at-Arms asking the House to schedule a tour for the address planned next week. This comes after the cancellation of a previously scheduled guided tour last week at Pelosi's request.

  Amelia Williams, a TSA employee, receives a bottle of milk from a food bank for government employees affected by the closure on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, in the Brooklyn district of New York. (Photo AP / Mark Lennihan)

Amelia Williams, a TSA employee, receives a bottle of milk from a food bank for government employees affected by the closure on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Toronto. New York. (AP Photo / Mark Lennihan)

According to many sources, it is still unclear whether the speech planned for January 29 will go forward or what its address would be.

The White House even considering the possibility of a speech outside of Washington

Pelosi invoked security threats to the event, given that the major federal agencies are not funded, but a senior Homeland Security official told Fox News that the agency was ready and well prepared for the event. Republicans accused Pelosi of playing politics with the address.


"It is certainly a step forward from the beginning. to have votes. " Chief Steny Hoyer, D-Md.

Questioned by host Neil Cavuto on the fact that Trump could legally demand that the state of the Union be presented to the House despite Pelosi's objection, Mr. Hoyer responded in the affirmative. Although Pelosi did not formally dissuade Trump from delivering his speech, she suggested that a speech would not be a good idea and should only be delivered in writing.

"In his law, it's a technical term, and the answer to that is no," replied Hoyer. "The President comes here at the invitation of Congress, and in particular of the House, to address the United States Congress."

Article II, section 3, of the US Constitution also gives the president power "on extraordinary occasions". convene one or the other or both houses of Congress. But this provision has not been used since 1947 and 1948, when President Harry Truman has considered this option twice, and "convening" does not necessarily mean that Trump would be allowed to speak.

  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. , leaving the room after talking about his plan to move a 1,300-page spending measure, which includes $ 5.7 billion to finance the wall proposed by President Donald Trump along the US-Mexico border, the point of stalemate in the impasse between the Democrats and Trump that led to a partial closure of the Capitol government in Washington on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. (AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

The leader of the Majority of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, leaves the room after talking about his plan. move a 1,300-page spending measure, which includes $ 5.7 billion, to finance the wall proposed by President Donald Trump along the US-Mexico border, the stumbling block in the standoff between Trump and Democrats that resulted in a partial closure of the Capitol Government in Washington, DC, Jan. 22, 2019. (AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

And when Truman resorted to Section 3 of Article II to "convene" Congress, he did so when Congress was out of session. Democrats and Republicans have promised to keep the Congress in session until the closure is resolved.

Otherwise, for the speech in the House, both Houses of Congress must approve a resolution to use the Chamber of the House and to bring the two bodies together in a meeting. Joint Session of the Congress. This has not happened yet. If the Senate decided to host the president instead, a resolution would still be necessary.

But Hoyer, apparently out of touch with Pelosi, apparently had no problem letting Trump talk.

"Of course," replied Hoyer. when asked it would be open to Trump speaking in person to the House of Representatives of the State of the Union. When asked if Pelosi would agree, he added, "I do not know what discussions were conducted."

And in another split with Pelosi, Hoyer was again moved when asked if the walls were really an "immorality".

"Physical barriers are part of the solution," Hoyer said. "Listen, if it's protecting people, it's moral, jailing people, it's maybe immoral."

On Thursday afternoon, the Senate will vote on the President's compromise plan to end the government's closure and fund a border wall in exchange. for various concessions related to immigration, followed by a vote on a Democrat proposal.

The Democratic plan would reopen the government until February 8, without providing additional funding.

Monday, the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. argued that Trump's plan is the only realistic way to end the ongoing partial closure of the federal government, which is now at its 32nd day. The GOP Senate Bill, which follows Trump's proposal, also includes additional funding for disaster recovery.

"The opportunity to put an end to it all faces us," McConnell said. "That's why we're going to vote on this Senate Senate legislation this week." All that remains to be done is that Democrats agree that it's time to put the country ahead of politics, take an affirmative answer and vote to end this stalemate. "

  Jeff Herrema, a PEA Furloughed employee, holds a sign in front of the government. The offices of US Senator Mitch McConnell, in Park Hills, Kentucky, on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. (AP Photo / Bryan Woolston)

Jeff Herrema, an EPA employee in search of Furloughed, is holding a Sign in front of the offices of US Senator Mitch McConnell, Park Hills, Kentucky, Tuesday, January 22, 2019. (AP Photo / Bryan Woolston)

McConnell added: "To be clear, the proposal presented by the Speaker that we are going to consider here in the Senate is the only proposal we have now that can be signed by the President and immediately reopen the government."

But Hoyer, speaking to Cavuto, said that Trump "created these problems" with DACA while trying to cancel it. "Now, he says that I will solve them for you.This is not a negotiation … it's stupid to have this president, uh, done."

The Project Peacekeeping Act provides funding to enable Customs and Border Patrol to make "substantial investments in enhanced surveillance technologies, funding for the recruitment and training of 750 New frontier patrol agents … and $ 5.7 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along high-priority areas of the southern border, "McConnell said.

In his speech, McConnell also pointed to the Democrats who publicly contested the presidency of the House, Nancy Pelosi. the assertion that a boundary wall is an "immorality".

"Is their plan really to throw out the federal officials, the recipients of the DACA, the Customs and Border Patrol, and even all the Americans under the bus just to extend this series of political theater? they may look like champions of the so-called "Resistance" – "This is not really surprising," said McConnell in referring to Democratic leaders. he continued. But not all Democrats seem to see it that way. And how could they? A Washington state democrat admitted, quote: "The wall is not a bad idea in itself … it's done." Another from Illinois asserted, "If we have a partial wall, if we have fences, if we have the technology used to ensure the security of our borders, that's fine." And l & rsquo; One of the members of the President of the California delegation said: "We will support border security … all its elements, including fences."

"Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, DN .Y., Said in his speech that the chairman of the Senate majority, "This is what we want and it's what you want," said Sunday. House Homeland Security Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., Broke up with some of his Democratic congressional colleagues by acknowledging in an interview with ABC News's "This Week" he warned that the House -Blanche needed a better "plan" than just using a wall as "a topic of discussion"

Hoyer also seems to have rallied to Thompson's position on the "Fox Special Report" News with Bret Baier "Wednesday, arguing that" the walls of the border "are working" in some places and rejecting suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.Hoyer also said that the walls were not necessarily a question of morality.

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And earlier this month, in an interview with CNN, the representative of California Juan Vargas acknowledged that these physical defenses were effective and reinforced the safety of local residents.

"I mean, you go to the border and you see long lines of people waiting to get in … So we have a problem with the huge length of queues" You know , there are already fences, to be honest with you. There are places where we already have fences where it made sense to provide some security. "

Fox Chad Pergram, Alex Pappas, John Roberts and Neil Cavuto contributed to the writing of this report

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