Huawei Mate 30 Pro smartphone will offer a liquid lens


Huawei can produce innovations in smartphone camera lenses. She received a patent for a liquid lens. The first device with such optics can be the Mate 30 Pro.

At one time, it was Huawei who popularized three cameras in the smartphone, additional modes, optical zoom and many other photographic opportunities. Its advanced machines occupy the first lines of assessment of the quality of mobile cameras.

Liquid optics technology is not new, and the first prototypes were introduced about fifteen or so years ago. The design of a swirling lens includes a lens filled with two types of fluids. They do not mix and have different refractive indices. As a rule, these oils use oil and water.

Using electrical signals from the liquid, it is possible to form the desired shape. This solution offers high focusing speeds, a larger zoom range, fewer moving elements than traditional lenses.

Huawei patented its development in November and is currently working on its commercialization. This camera will include a conventional photoelectric sensor, a monochrome matrix, and a TOF focus module.

Some experts suggest that Huawei will not have time to prepare a new camera for the release of the P30 Pro. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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