Illegally sentenced in Russia Klich was found at the prison psychiatric hospital


A Ukrainian citizen, Stanislav Klych, was found in Magnitogorsk at the Regional Psychiatric Hospital

Tatiana Shchur, a Russian human rights activist, on her Facebook page on Tuesday, July 3, 19659003 ] "There was found Katerina Burian, a lawyer of the Ural Human Rights Protection Group, after Stanislav Roman Kachanov, a lawyer from Yekaterinburg, said that his client had been promised to send it immediately after the Roman on June 26, "writes Schur. "Stanislav feels better, says that he did not allow the hospital, which contradicts the words of the prisoners." If on July 26 his mind was confused, the language "swam", the images were outdated and seemed to Roman "fantastically bright". Quiet and reasonable. However, she had the impression that he was under the influence of soothing medication. Stanislav himself said that he was doing "some kind of vaccination."

See also: Human rights activists do not know the location of Klikha

Klich poopro force the camera because she's "too tight". "I complained that my mother's letters are quickly washed away, barely reading me, I rarely go to walks … I've asked for a whole series of children's adventure books …" , reports the activist of human rights. inspection by independent experts and visit of the Commissioner for Human Rights of Ukraine. "And – the main thing: immediately send it home!" – writes Tetyana Shchur.

As reported by Ukrinform, on June 26, the Ukrainian political prisoner in the Russian Federation Stanislav Kliha was sentenced by the lawyer Roman Kachanov. He said that Stanislav is in a very bad state and that his conscience is not clear. And prison staff said that they were hospitalized in a regional psychiatric hospital in Magnitogorsk. The next day, his mother called, and he was told in jail that he was not already there.

On June 8, Stanislav Klych declared a hunger strike. According to the Ukrainian side, he was in critical condition. According to the mother, he has severe kidney and heart problems.

Lyudmila Denisova, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada, asked the Russian mediator Tetyana Moskal & kova to facilitate the conduct of an independent medical examination by Ukrainian or international doctors. In total, about 70 Ukrainian political prisoners are detained in Russia and annexed by Crimea, including Roman Sushchenko's journalist Ukrinform, who was sentenced to less than 12 years in a strict regime penal colony for alleged espionage. 19659012] [ad_2]
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