Ilon Mask reacted to the joke of Ukrainian journalists


The Ukrainian edition "Ukrainska Pravda" gave rise to an interesting action with the Tesla electric car, to which Tesla CEO Ilon Mask reacted. Ukrainian journalists and Electrocars brought Tesla Model S to the village of Mars in the Chernihiv region

Journalists made a photo of Tesla on Mars, published on Twitter and marked by Ilona Maska

"Tesla Model S in the Ukrainian village of Mars it seems that we rushed to you ", – commented journalists journalists.

To read: Tesla cars will scare burglars with the original technology

And that did not leave the mask indifferent – he replied:

"Wow, cool."

  The mask responds to journalists UP

Mask responded to journalists from the UP

Incidentally, it is not the first communication of Mask with journalists of "Ukrainian truth". Last year, Mask said he wanted to buy a domain. However, there was a confusion in the text: "I wanted to buy a domain, but Russia refused.It turns out that they already use it," said its CEO, Tesla.

The reporters then reported an error that Mask also recognized on his Twitter page. [19659011] More news about developments in the world of technology, gadgets, artificial intelligence and space, read in section Techno

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