In Africa, three Russians were killed


In the Central African Republic, three people were killed, who may be citizens of the Russian Federation. Two of them were employees of Izvestia

<img width = "1200" height = "630" src = " /07/31/V.png "class =" attachment-full size-full wp-post-image "alt =" Three Russians killed in Africa "title =" Three Russians were killed in Africa "srcset =" https: / / V.png 1200w,×158. png 300w, 2018/07/31 / V-768×403.png 768w, 07/31 / V-140×74.png 140w, https: //fakty.ictv. Ua / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07/31 / V-85×45.png 85w, wp-content / uploads / 2018/07/31 / V-225×118.png 225w "

– The fact that they are Russian, in We do not have the final trust, because their personal documents According to media reports, the bodies of the dead were found 23 kilometers from the city of Sibu – the center of the prefecture e Chemo. Unidentified militants attacked them on the night of Monday to Tuesday

Read : The murder of the journalist in Slovakia: the country is threatened by early elections

The Izvestia site does not have any information on the killing of its employees. recently in Thailand in the private helicopter crash killed four people, of which were two journalists .

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