In England, police arrested two fans for abusing Sali's death


Two supporters of Southampton were arrested after the match of the 26th round of the English Premier League with Cardiff (1: 2).

During the fight, they imitated a plane intended for fans of Welsh clubs, thus bombing the death of Emiliano Sali, Cardiff's signature.

Emiliano Sala found dead – police confirmed that his body belonged to a footballer

Supporters attend club matches

"Such behavior should not be in our games." We can confirm that two fans have been arrested.The club will take an extremely strong stance against those who violate the rules of conduct.and also intend to ban two offenders from attending club matches, Southampton will continue to work with the police, "says club release

The tragic death of Emiglino Sali: while Messi and the football world mourn a 28-year-old player, and Nantes is showing nobility

Recall that on January 21, the Argentines fled from Nantes to Cardiff to officially join their new team, but the plane with a football player on board disappeared. Sali's body was found in the rubble on 4 February.

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