In FIFA, the decision was taken regarding Wagga Damaha for the second video of the greeting "Glory to Ukraine!"


Croatian defender Dagogu Vida will not be punished for a second video where he will exclaim "Glory to Ukraine!"

Recall that after the victory of the combined team of Croatia on the Russian national team in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup, Dagogu Vida and Ognein Vukoevich recorded a video conversation , who said that it was a "victory for Dynamo" and Ukraine, and also used the greetings "Glory to Ukraine!". After that, FIFA issued a warning from Vidi, and Vukoeivich was expelled from the coaching team of the Croatian national team. Later, FIFA fined Vukoeevich for "unsporting behavior."

Read also: How and why Ukraine became the cause of scandal at the World Cup in Russia

However, later, Vida recorded another video appealed to all the greetings of "Glory" to Ukraine! ". FIFA has also decided to consider this episode too. This time, the player was threatened with disqualification. Subsequently, he apologized for these words, and also explained why he wrote the relevant video conversations.

In view of this, FIFA has decided not to disqualify the player. According to a BBC reporter, Richard Conway, the second video was recorded before the start of the investigation on the first video. There was no harm in the actions of the Croatian player.

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