In Hawaii, they want to ban the sale of cigarettes to less than 100 years – News from around the world


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11:52, February 5, 2019



Hawaii enforces one of the most stringent cigarette laws in the United States.

  Cigarettes are harmful to human health / photo of UNIAN

Cigarettes are harming human health / UNIAN photo

The document provides for a gradual raising of the minimum age for the purchase of cigarettes: up to 30 years in 2020, up to 40 years in 2021 and up to 30 years. 50 years out of 20. Medusa reports the 22nd, 60th in 2023 and, finally, 100 years in 2024.

For sellers who violate the ban, it is proposed to impose fines ranging from 500 to two thousand dollars.

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This initiative is justified by the damage caused by the cigarette to human health. The proposed ban does not apply to other products containing nicotine, including cigars, snuff and electronic cigarettes.

The bill states that about 150,000 adults live in Hawaii. In total, more than 1.4 million people live in the archipelago.

Hawaii is one of the most stringent cigarette laws in the United States. Since 2018, it is forbidden to buy cigarettes until 21 years old. In most other states, this prohibition applies only to those under 18 years of age.

Recall that in 2017, representatives of the youth departments of the nine Austrian states supported the proposal to ban the sale of cigarettes to adolescents under 18 years of age.

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