In Russia, they can impose fines on cars without icons


A strange initiative to impose fines on drivers without icons in the car has introduced a deputy to the State Duma of Russia. A resident of St. Petersburg, Fikret Aghbash, reported on his Facebook page

A deputy introduced a bill stating that drivers will be required to have inside the vehicle a set of 39 icons or other religious symbol corresponding to the religious mark. The authors would be punished with rubles – they would be fined 3,000 rubles and, if repeatedly violated, drivers could have rights up to one year. [19659002]

"The author of the bill explains his initiative on road safety.According to statistics collected by the traffic police, drivers carrying icons in the cabin have 14% lower risk of driving. accidents and the alcohol content of their blood is on average 53% lower than The initiative has already been supported in the Russian Orthodox Church by declaring the completion of the preparation of GOST 314-288 "The icon of the emergency car. "The driver will be able to buy a certified icon from a clergyman at the place of residence," writes Fikret Aghbash

. blogger, event set tion can cost around 5,000 rubles.

"If the bill is passed, the right to control the availability of driver icons will receive the OCR inspectors' messages," added Agbash.

Commentators of the social network have criticized and ridiculed this strange initiative: "Whoever presented the project is a communist? If this country does not laugh at what we have seen and heard, it is very easy to get to the psychiatric hospital … Although the whole country is a psychiatric hospital … "," Someone dream !!! … It is difficult to bring such ahina !!! "," And we're like stupid rules of apprenticeship, Chin cars, and you have to do everything, everything goes well! "

Reminder, drivers n car full of deputies: checks in Europe. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine issued a resolution obliging drivers to submit to a medical examination. In case of sickness, Ukrainians are forbidden to sit behind the wheel.

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ua wrote that prices of the main product have exceeded the psychological limit: cheaper, even in Europe. Sour cream has been growing for over a year.

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