In Thailand, Nastia Ribka was sentenced to death. She is known for her investigation of Bulky Deripaska.


The Thai court ruled on the Belarussian model Anastasia Vashkevich, accused of illegal organization of sexual services. According to him, she is sentenced to imprisonment and must be expelled from the country

According to the decision of the court of the seaside town of Pattaya, Vashekevich, known as Nastya Rybka, must spend nine months in prison – it is equal to this period.

Fribka's partner, Alexander Kirillov, aka Alex Leslie, and six other citizens of Russia and Belarus, who had been arrested with Vashevich and Kirilov nearly a year ago, received a similar decision [19659002] Also read: Saudi Arabia girl Rabia escaped from the family, arrived in Canada – Media

Vashevich and the other investigators should also pay a fine of six thousand dollars each, to after which they are deported to Russia and Belarus.

Head of Migration Department Thailand, Surachat Hakparn, said the eight defendants would be transferred to the Bangkok Detention Center, from where they were deported.

"They are forbidden to enter Thailand forever for violations forever," said AFC Surachate news agency.

It is unknown for the moment when Joshukevich will be sent, according to the head of the migration service, question of deportation.

Anastasia Vishkevich became famous after the publication of the investigation of the Russian opposition politician Oleksiy Navalny about the rest of Oleg Deripaska and the Deputy Prime Minister from the Russian government, Sergei Prikhodko, on the Deripaska yacht in the summer of 2016.

According to the information Ily Navalny, there were also girls from the escort agency on the yacht, among which Nastya Rybka

Bulk considers a "bribe" that Deripaska "rides on his own yacht from a senior official". Deripaska and Prikhodko called the investigation into Bulky's "provocation."

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The US Treasury Department introduced UC Rusali to his main at that time , the owner of Oleg Deripaska to the list of sanctions on April 6. The restrictions are governed by the law of opposition to US opponents, approved by the US Congress in 2017. A total of 38 Russian businessmen and companies. The sanctions provide for a complete isolation of the company from the US financial system, about which the company has announced possible technical failures.

On April 27, Deripaska announced his resignation from the board of directors and reduced his interest to less than 50% in order to free the company from sanctions

In December 2018, the US Treasury Department announced its intention to lift penalties against Deripaska companies due to a decrease in its share in the ownership structure.

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