In the Kerch Strait, for more than two weeks, tankers burn: 4.5 000 tonnes of gas burned – World


The number of fire cells increased to six

The tankers of Maestro and Kandy, who lit up near the Kerch Strait on January 21 burn 4,500 tons of gas liquefied.

he informs TASS by referring to the press service of Rosmorrichflot.

The Department noted that the number of fire cells on two tankers had increased to six: four on the "Maestro" and two on "Kandy".

"This does not change the intensity of the fire – somewhere [вогонь] breaks, does not go overboard," said the agency's interlocutor.

Oh, in recent weeks, the combustion is smoke-free because the gas burns and goes out gradually. The representative of Rosmorrychflot assured that "there are no consequences for the ecology, we do not see any stain in the water".

Recall that on Monday, January 21 a fire broke out on two ships in the Kerch Strait . According to preliminary information, the total crew of two ships was composed of about 30 sailors – citizens of Turkey and India. The fire was declared aboard the tankers "Candy" and "Maestro", flying the Tanzanian flag. They were in neutral waters.

Later, it was reported that 14 people had died as a result of the fire of two ships in the Kerch Strait . Five more are missing.

Video Tankers in the Kerch Strait can not be fired until now

The Kandy and Maestro ships do not sink as long as they do not rest there. one on the other. Firefighters say that they will wait until the gas is exhausted. At one of the tankers it was about 2,500 tonnes, and the other – probably the same thing. Two ships under Tanzanian fire fired into the Kerch Strait on Monday.

  Tanker fires in the Kerch Strait can not extinguish until now

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