In the London Zoo, the tiger killed a tigress


In the London Zoo, a Sumatran tiger named Melati died as a result of the fighting of two tigers. Ten days ago, a tiger name, Azim, from the Danish safari park, was brought to London under the name of Danish safari park in the hope that it would become a partner of the Melagot tigress who lived here for a long time.

The tiger brought was kept for several days in a cage so that he could get used to it. a new place, then came the tigers, reports the BBC

Despite all the security measures, there was a conflict between the animals, the two tigers were very aggressive and, as a result, Melaty was seriously injured. The zoo's statement says that Azim was immediately transferred to a separate pen. Despite the efforts of veterinarians, the 10-year-old tigress was unable to save.

"Our efforts are now focused on taking care of Azim in this difficult time," the statement said in a zoo. "Everyone at the zoo is terribly upset."

7- Azim, a year old, was taken to the London Zoo as part of a European tiger breeding program aimed at saving endangered species. Welcoming its appearance, the zoo describes it as follows:

"A beautiful animal full of confidence, known for its polite attitude towards tigers."

The zoo expressed the hope that it would become Melat's ideal partner. Another male species of Sumatran tigers, JJ, father of seven tigers born in Melat, was transferred to a French zoo on 30 January.

In 2013, Melaty gave birth to two tigers, but one of them fell into the pool and drowned. In February 2014, Melaty gave birth to three tigers and two others in June 2016.

The Sumatran tiger, which lives in the natural state in the forests and jungles of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, is considered a subspecies in the process of extinction and is on the list of threatening species of the International Union of Guardians. nature The tiger region in Sumatra is declining rapidly due to the active expansion of human economic activity. Currently, their population, according to various estimates, is only about 300 individuals. In captivity, these tigers can live up to 20 years.

The Sumatran Tiger at a Glance: The Sumatran Tiger – the largest of the five subspecies of the tiger, with the closest black stripes on the skin – the roar of the Sumatran tiger is so strong that it's all over the place. it can be heard from a distance of 3.2 km A bite of such a tiger exerts a pressure equivalent to 450 kg. The Sumatran tiger is able to jump up to 10 m long from a sedentary position. Fossil finds in China show that there were such tigers 2 million years ago

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Previously, Znay.u reported that a cat with a rare genetic pathology had fallen in love with mankind.

The Znayu portal was also recruited from the Svyatoshinsky District Police Department (19659014). [ad_2]
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