In the Philippines, his father bit the crocodile to save his son


In Balabac, Palawan, Philippines, his father rescued a 12-year-old son who was attacked by a crocodile

reported the Manila Bulletin

when a teenager bathed in a river with his younger brother. The crocodile grabbed his left hand and pulled it under the water. The younger brother ran home and told what happened to his parents. His father came to help his son

A man tried to hit a predator with his fist and then used the only weapon he had. He grabbed his teeth and gnawed at his paw for several minutes.

"He bites the crocodile several times to try to save his son," a police spokesman said. The victim was taken to the hospital where she received medical treatment.

"Fortunately and thanks to the courage of his father, the victim did not drown and suffered only crocodile bites", they added to the police

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