In the Senate, the United States confirmed the interference of Russia in the presidential election


The US Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed the intelligence findings on Russia's interference in the US presidential election in 2016.

This is stated in the committee's report released on 3 July.

"We believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin In 2016, he authorized a presidential election campaign in the United States, aimed at undermining public confidence in the democratic process in the United States, the humiliation of Clinton (Trump's opponent in the election of Hillary Clinton) and the loss of chances to be elected.We believe that Putin and the Russian government have created clear preferences for President-elect Trump ", indicates the report.

The report of the American Committee mentions the means of Russian propaganda of Russia, especially with the help of the Sputnik and RT media. It appears that the committee has reviewed the analytical work undertaken by the intelligence community since January 2017, as well as the sources on which it was based, and that it sees no reason to dispute its findings. However, the investigation will continue.

In addition, according to Reuters, White House spokeswoman Hogan Hidley said that the United States does not recognize Russia's position in Crimea. Crimea,

See also: Muller wants to give an opinion on Russia's interference in the elections in the fall – Bloomberg

According to the US Senate Intelligence Committee released in May , the United States files part of the report. exercise the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency, the Kremlin intervened during the US presidential election in 2016.

In particular, Russian hackers, before the presidential elections in 2016, led cyber-attacks on Democratic Party servers. Propaganda propaganda in social networks to influence its results in favor of Donald Trump

The investigation was led by a special prosecutor Robert Muller

US President Trump himself still does not recognize that Hosea tried to influence the outcome of the presidential election.

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