In the solar system, a new planet, the news of the world was born


Astronomers have discovered a celestial body with a radius of 1.3 km at the periphery of the solar system

Scientists are convinced that it constitutes the nucleus of a new planet. It is located in the Edgeworth-Koiper Belt, distant from the Sun, at a distance of 30 to 55 astronomical units, that is, it is in Neptune's orbit, according to Lenta .ru.

It is thought that the belt consists of objects that remain after training. planets Due to the low amount of sunlight, asteroids and comets from this part of the solar system have survived what they were billions of years ago.

  In the solar system, a new planet was born: what we know


The discovery of such a celestial body confirms the hypothesis that planetosimals – nuclei planets – reach at an early stage of small sizes, then quickly increase their mass, turning into voluminous objects. life vm star rayuchi -. white dwarfs, which are deprived of their source of fusion energy

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