In the United States, the Tesla autopilot accidentally knocked out the "cute" Russian work – news ZIK.UA


In the United States, the Tesla autopilot accidentally shot down the "cute" Russian robot

  Screenshot of the video: Promobot

Screenshot of the video: Promobot [19659004] In Las Vegas, the Tesla Model S autopilot was knocked down and broke off the autonomous Russian robot Promobot, which was supposed to participate in the CES 2019 of the International Consumer Electronics.

The network is already used to joking about Tesla autopilots. The autonomous control system of an electric car then breaks down after another software update, then causes serious road accidents

Henceforth, the reason for monitoring the Ilona Mask company has become a very tricky incident: in Las Vegas, Tesla Model S shot down an autonomous robot that moved HB writes.

The Techthelead edition writes that the Tesla driver wanted to try out the totally autonomous control mode on a site that seemed empty and safe for him. The driver ensures that he did not notice any obstacle and apologize to engineers, calling the robot "soft"

It is unlikely that the developers will apologize because the robot was seriously injured and broken down.

It is interesting to note that Promobot is a Russian company in the city of Perm that produces "robot administrators, promoters, inns, museum guides, consultants, concierge and many others."

When an incident with Tesla, engineers had just tested Promobot on the eve of CES 2019 of Consumer Electronics Consumer Electronics, which will run from January 8 to 11, 2019.

"Of course, we sorry We brought this work here from Philadelphia at CES.Now he can not participate in the event and can not be restored.We will conduct an internal investigation and find out why the robot went on the roadway ", – said the director of development Promobot , Oleg Kivokurtsev

Perhaps the fault lies with the Tesla autopilot system, which not only did not notice the obstacle, but also did not stop

Recall at the end of 2017, a Promobot was introduced to Vladimir Putin and the robot even shook his hand.

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